Xceed DataGrid for WPF

Xceed DataGrid for WPF is a grid control that in addition to traditional table and card views allows you to present and edit data in 3D layouts. Features include: rich in-place editing; grouping with UI virtualization; production-quality views (table and card), built-in data validation. It also includes a WPF date picker and a calendar control. Xceed DataGrid for WPF offers compatibility with bound and unbound data sources, a  flexible object model and is fully extensible with reusable parts.

Xceed DataGrid for WPF Features

Rich in-place editing

  • Features rich in-place editing that works in all views. See Included editor controls below.
  • Auto-detection of ComboBox columns (enums, foreign keys).
  • Updates source when the cell or row exits edit mode or immediately when the cell content changes.
  • Combo boxes can easily be used as cell editors without the need to write code to fill the combo box thanks to auto- detection of ComboBox columns (enums, foreign keys).

Hierarchical master/detail...

Dernières nouvelles

Xceed Software remporte deux ComponentSource Awards
Xceed Software remporte deux ComponentSource Awards
April 29, 2024Publisher Award
ComponentSource a décerné à Xceed Software les prix "Top 25 Publisher Award" et "Top 100 Product Award" pour l'édition 2024.
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V7.2
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V7.2
April 4, 2023Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge de façon améliorée les modèles de filtrage complexes.
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V7.1
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V7.1
October 7, 2022Nouvelle Version
Ajoute deux nouveaux thèmes : "Material Design" et "Fluent Design".
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V7.0
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V7.0
January 31, 2020Nouvelle Version
Prend en charge .NET Core 3.0 et versions ultérieures.
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V6.7
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V6.7
February 5, 2019Nouvelle Version
Le nouveau StatsEditorControl donne à l'utilisateur la possibilité de modifier les statistiques affichées dans StatRows.
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V6.6
Xceed DataGrid for WPF V6.6
June 21, 2018Nouvelle Version
Ajoute une nouvelle fonctionnalité de filtrage avancée.

Prix à partir de : $ 1,665.95

Standard Subscription: Includes a perpetual license for the current version as well as any new versions or updates released for 1 year, for one named member of your development or testing team. Also...

Xceed DataGrid for WPF est également disponible en :

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Xceed Software
En tant que distributeurs officiels et autorisés, ComponentSource vous fournit directement des licences légitimes à partir de Xceed Software.
Component Type
  • .NET WPF

Prix récents
