À propos de XSD2Code++

Générateur de code .NET à partir de schémas XML et JSON.

xsd2code++ is designed for developers who want to save time when converting complex XML and JSON schemas into NetCore. Simple to use and flexible, it can be easily integrated into any project and adapts to developers' needs. It offers a real gain in productivity with an intuitive, customizable user interface. With xsd2code++, developers can create applications that exchange high-quality XML or JSON data faster and save time.

XML and JSON Data Binder To .NET Code
Effortlessly transform your XSD or JSON schemas into optimized code, seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio or accessible via the command line. Generate clean, clear code featuring strongly typed classes, properties, collections, and enumerations. Perfectly suited for generating XML/JSON through serialization, crafting APIs, POCOs, DTOs, and much more, offering a comprehensive solution for your data handling needs. Simplify your development process with xsd2code, where quality and efficiency converge.

CSharp or VB Code from set of schemas
The XML Objects generator of xsd2code++ is integrated into Visual Studio. Simply add a .xsd file or .JSON schema file to your C# or VB project then right-click and select "Run xsd2code++".

  • Support complex XML and JSON standards
  • 100% Native CSharp and VB code

XML and JSON Serialization
Generated classes let you read and write XML or JSON files in complete correspondence with your schemas. Many parameters allow you to change the classes, properties, and the injection of attributes to adjust the serialization process.

  • XML, JSON, BSON, BINARY, MsgPack Serialization

Intuitive User Interface

  • Full Visual Studio integration
  • Produce code in a few clicks
  • PropertyGrid settings interface
  • .json .xsd to code from Solution Explorer

Command-Line Tools
xsd2code++ can also be used with the command-line tool for batch conversion needs. For example in case of a large volume of schemas to convert.

  • Batch conversion with command-lines
  • On pre-build event
  • On build server

Using the CustomTool allows you to (re)generate the code as soon as the schema is changed in your project.

  • Updating the code when the schema changes.

Converting schemas
From Visual Studio, it is possible to directly convert an XML schema to a JSON schema and vice versa.

  • XSD to JSON schema
  • JSON to XSD schema
  • XML data to XSD schema
  • JSON to JSON schema


  • All configurations are meticulously saved in the header of the generated file. This allows for seamless access to the configuration interface at any time, enabling adjustments as needed. Once the source code has been created, revisiting and modifying settings becomes a straightforward process.
  • Parameters are embedded directly within the source file, ensuring they are accessible to every developer on the team. This fosters a collaborative environment, whether working with xsd2code++ or without, streamlining the development process and enhancing teamwork efficiency.

Class settings

  • C# or VB classes
  • Partial classes
  • Strong typed collections
  • Automatic properties
  • Lazy Loading properties
  • Serialization and Deserialization Methods
  • Databinding
  • Naming style
  • DataAnnotation attributes
  • WCF attributes
  • XML and JSON attributes
  • Single file or one file per class
  • XML summary comment from annotations or JSON documentation

XML settings

  • XSD 1.0
  • Support complex XML standards
  • XML Serialization
  • Encoding UTF8, ASCII
  • Formatting
  • XML minifier
  • Convert XML to Schema

JSON settings

  • JSON Schema Draft 7.0
  • Encoding UTF8, ASCII
  • Formatting
  • Date, time, float format handling
  • Missing and null value handling
  • Convert JSON data to Schema