Visualizza dati gerarchici nelle app WPF .NET 8

Settembre 12, 2024
Sfrutta la struttura della griglia master-detail per organizzare ed esplorare in modo efficiente i record di dati, mantenendo la gerarchia e migliorando l'UX.

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Master-detail is a user interface design technique where a primary data set (the master) is displayed in a grid format, and related information (the detail) is typically shown in an adjacent pane when a master item is selected. The resulting hierarchical structure allows users to efficiently navigate and explore complex data sets by viewing high-level information in the master grid while accessing more granular details on demand, without navigating away from the main page. The master-detail view enhances the user experience as it improves the organization of the grid and streamlines workflows as users can quickly switch between records and details.

Several .NET 8 WPF grid components offer support for master-detail, including:

  • FlexGrid for WPF (part of ComponentOne Studio WPF) by MESCIUS lets you easily create master-detail relationships between data items in your .NET 8 grid application.
  • NOV Grid for .NET (part of Nevron Open Vision for .NET) includes a master-detail feature, providing hierarchical data structures in an organized, dynamic grid interface.
  • Xceed DataGrid for WPF by Xceed Software offers a flexible master-detail layout to display relational data, allowing users to drill down into data records.
  • Infragistics XamDataGrid for WPF (part of Infragistics Ultimate UI for WPF) facilitates the creation of complex master-detail views, streamlining hierarchical data exploration.

For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of .NET 8 WPF grid components.

Compare .NET 8 WPF Grid Components