Infragistics WPF 16.2 Build 16.2.20162.2045

La versione di manutenzione include diverse correzioni di bug per le griglie di dati, editor e della barra multifunzione.
Gennaio 16, 2017
Nuova versione


Barcode Reader

  • Calling multiple Decode() functions in different threads causes InvalidOperationException.

Busy Indicator

  • Inconsistency in the assembly mapping for the primitives of the control.


  • Unfocused SelectedDate(s) in the XamCalendar are barely visible.

Carousel List Box

  • An exception is thrown when the ItemContainerStyle property of the XamCarouselListBox is manually set or referenced with a key.

Combo Editor

  • Scrollbar appears every other time the combo is opened when the Office2013 theme is applied.
  • Error "NullReferenceException was not handled" sometimes occurs when you click an item and hit a key at the same time.
  • NullReferenceException is thrown when trying to re-template XamComboEditor.
  • Security exception in XBAP occurs when typing into editor.
  • SecurityException occurs when clicking on the dropdown button in XBAP.

Context Menu

  • The top level of ContextMenu remains open after command is fired.

Control Persistence Framework

  • The DiagramNode's layout and DiagramConnection's connection are not kept after save and load.

Data Chart

  • When setting the CrosshairVisibility property to "Hidden", the crosshair still shows.

Data Grid

  • Grouping is not respected when viewing the grid in XamReportPreview and having GroupByEvaluationMode set to UseCollectionView.
  • Unhandled Exception occurs while removing Manual filter with GroupByEvaluationMode set to UseCollectionView.
  • Invalid Cast Exception occurs while removing the manual filter and data records are not in view with GroubyEvaluationMode set to UseCollectionView.
  • Application crashes when moving fields because of missing null check in ToolWindowHostWindow.
  • LoadCustomizations not working correctly for layout that is out of view when using the Recycle mode.
  • Filter operator 'Not equals' does not work correctly.
  • The DataValueChanged event of the XamDataGrid is fired twice after changing a cell's value when using DataTable/DataView as a DataSource.
  • FilterCellValuePresenter.IsCurrentValueValid exception occurs due to a null Editor.

Data Presenter

  • XamDataPresenter's scrollbars are not properly styled when the Office2k7Blue theme is applied.
  • SecurityException occurs when dragging a field in a XamDataGrid when it is in a separate AppDomain without UnmanagedCode permissions.
  • Changing the RecordFilterScope to RunTime and collapsing the nested record moves the filter indicator on the next nested record.
  • CrossFieldFiltering - the operand value disappears and the 'OK' button is disabled.
  • CrossFieldFiltering - operand changes its value when the 'Toggle' button is pressed.
  • The first column of the first child row text is indented incorrectly when skipping the parent record.

Data Tree

  • SelectedDataItems are not updated correctly when removing a selected node.
  • SelectedDataItems are not updated when setting the ItemsSource property to null.
  • Selection becomes incorrect when dragging a node with multiple nodes already selected.
  • ItemsSource changing causes every XamDataTreeNode to be created.
  • If a duplicate item is removed from the tree, a NullReferenceException occurs.
  • The Manager property of a XamDataTreeNode is not discovered through visual studio intellisense.

Dock Manager

  • The keyboard focus is on different ContentPane when a tab is reselected and the focus was previously within a nested XamDockManager ContentPane.

Drag and Drop Framework

  • When the windows are overlapped, a drag and drop operation on the top window causes the bottom one to flicker into view.


  • The XamComboEditor dropdown is shown at topmost left position on screen at first if the Metro theme is applied and SelectedValue is bound in TwoWay mode.


  • An incorrect font is assigned to a cell when a WorksheetCell Value is set.
  • The first column's width is extended after load and save of an excel file.
  • Duplex PrinterSetting is not kept after loading and saving an excel file.
  • Excel file is corrupted after loading and saving if the book has meta info.
  • The UI hangs when loading a file.


  • The first task's Duration is not set to its previous value when the second task is outdent.
  • A wrong month is displayed when setting the the TimescaleBand DisplayFormat to {m:n}.


  • Possible misalignment of the rightmost column position appears when changing the active cell using the keyboard right arrow key.
  • When placed inside a ViewBox inside a DocumentContentHost of a XamDockManager, column header dragging doesn't work.
  • Headers and group rows are lost after replacing the child collection instance.
  • The Excel style filter popup search textbox is uneditable in WinForms ElementHost.
  • Unexpected scrolling occurs when a cell is clicked after the grid height is changed.
  • Japanese characters cannot be directly entered into the editor on the custom filter dialog.
  • [Horizontal Scrolling] Headers and cells get misaligned when a group header border is double clicked to auto-resize.
  • Grid freezes when a value not in the value list of FilterMenu is selected, FilterMenu is opened again and OK button is clicked.
  • Memory leak appears when the ContainsOperand Icon property is set.
  • Grid loses its responsiveness when the Metro Dark theme is applied to the grid and the last column is coming into view.
  • Memory leak occurs while the touch keyboard is active.
  • [Horizontal Scrolling] Cell text on the group column is partly truncated upon width’s size change.

Masked Input

  • Digits are not entered in the correct order when using Chinese input, PromptChar is empty string and Mask is set to 'nnnnn'.

Masked Text Editor

  • XamMaskedEditor does not show the entire text when FlowDirection is RightToLeft and FontStyle is Oblique.
  • Typing a value that is greater than the current section's max constraint in the XamComboEditor moves the caret to the next section.

Multi Column Combo

  • Application freezes when re-opening the XamMultiColumnComboEditor without set width and after changing the window size.

Numeric Editor

  • Value typed into XamMaskedEditor with Chinese IME is incorrect.
  • The entered number can exceed the min/max value constraint by pressing the insert key.

Property Grid

  • WPF PropertyGrid throws InvalidOperationException when selecting the Range Brushes collection of the LinearGauge.
  • XamPropertyGrid with custom editor calls property's setter twice.
  • Scrollbar maximum is incorrect after changing SelectedObject.
  • Brush resource has selection highlight after selecting another brush editor button and get back to it.
  • Brush resource group does not have hover appearance.
  • The BrushResourceSelected's e.Cancel property is not necessary.
  • Brush resource does not have padding on the left and on the right when it is selected.
  • PropertyItemChanging/Changed are fired multiple times, and also when the entered value is not valid.
  • The property UI representation is not updated when it has its binding set after the XamPropertyGrid's SelectedObject has been set.
  • Property's editor is not enabled after the binding is reset.
  • Property from IEnumerable type displays its expansion indicator when PreventEditingOfBoundProperties is true and the property is bound.
  • IsBoundDependencyProperty returns false when a dependency property is bound and PreventEditingOfBoundProperties is false.

Radial Menu

  • System.InvalidOperationException is thrown when deleting a control from the visual tree.


  • The Ribbon tool is not found if it is placed inside a Border element.
  • The ContextualTab font size in Office2013 should be slightly smaller than the RibbonTab header text font.
  • Implicit DataTemplate (keyless) for a RibbonTabItem's HeaderTemplate property does not get applied.
  • The Ribbon window's caption area's Style changes when XamRibbon is dynamically set to ContentHost's Ribbon several times.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown when the Office2013 theme is applied if the resize windows are explicitly closed.
  • InvalidOperationException is thrown when DispatcherFrame.PushFrame() is called and ThemeManager.ThemeNameOffice2013 groupings are added to the application resources.

Rich Text Editor

  • The control flashes constantly when positioned in a StackPanel and MaxHeight is specified without Height.
  • Bullets are rendered as stars when loaded from a rtf document.
  • Editor does not show all the text lines when the VerticalAlignment is set to Top.


  • Utilities.RefreshLocalizedResources() doesn't refresh the language in the date strings based on the current culture setting.
  • [Metro Theme] The subject of all-day event is going outside of the border of the activity.
  • [Royal Dark/Office2013 Themes] The tooltip in the DateNavigator is too big for the theme (the size is the same as in the Metro Dark and Metro themes).
  • [Royal Dark/Office2013 Themes] The Tooltip's Font Size of the time in the Date Navigator is too big for the theme (the size is the same as in the Metro Dark and Metro themes).


  • Clicking on the track is not working when the Value property is set to double.NaN while TrackClickAction is set to LargeChange.
  • Incorrect behavior when the Value property is set to double.NaN and SnapToTickEnabled is true.
  • Range selection is not working when the Value property of a thumb is set to double.NaN in XamNumericRangeSlider.

Spread Sheet

  • Copy pasting of cells with formula results in an error dialog.

Surface Chart 3D

  • SurfaceChart does not pick labels with nice/same interval when resolving labels collision.
  • SurfaceChart does not render portion of surface if data points have negative and positive coordinates.
  • The initial mouse rotation jerks when rotation is initialized to certain Axis Angle rotations.

Syntax Editor

  • The Japanese characters contained in an external file become garbled when it is loaded into the editor.

Text Editor

  • InputMethod.PreferredImeConversionMode is not effective in XamTextEditor.


  • The XamDockManager PaneToolWindow is not styled in the IG and Office2010Blue themes.

Tile Manager

  • The last minimized tile gets cut off in XamTileManager when the horizontal scrollbar is at the far right position.
  • Script error LayoutCycleException occurs when you quickly change the browser's height by mouse drag.
  • Tile cannot be reached by horizontal scroll after tile resize operation.


  • Memory is not released when control is no longer in view.
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