Antenna House PDFXML Conversion Library v2.0 MR1

Aggiunge EMF come opzione di output per i file immagine.
Febbraio 12, 2018
Nuova versione


  • Enhanced Windows Metafile (EMF) has been added as an output option for image files.
  • Font information is used to help determine if writing mode should be vertical or horizontal.
  • Improved detection of text that displays page number (in the header and footers for example). When a page uses vertical writing mode, a horizontally written page number label could have incorrectly been determined to be part of the page's content.
  • Improved output for table cells with complicated layouts.


  • Extra line connections occurred when processing the vertical line to be connected.
  • Cell data was not fully outputted.
  • Text data partly disappeared.
Antenna House PDFXML Conversion Library

Antenna House PDFXML Conversion Library

Converti i file PDF in XML.

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