PowerShell HelpWriter 2019 (2.3.43)

I pannelli di output ora evidenziano le loro schede ancorate quando c'è un nuovo output, e in più è stata aggiunta l'opzione a capo automatico all'editor.
Febbraio 11, 2019
Nuovo prodotto


  • Added: Output panels now highlight their respective docked tabs when there is new output.
  • Added: Word wrap option to editor (Options->Editor->Enable word wrap).
  • Updated: Visual C++ runtime.
  • Updated: Skin settings are now saved immediately.


  • Fixed: Error message produced from File Recovery feature when user folders are mapped to a UNC drive.
  • Fixed: Ribbon buttons disabled when using deferred loading when no other tab is open.
  • Fixed: Print margin issue in high DPI environments.
  • Fixed: Syntax in an empty synopsis was not filtered for cmdlets without parameters.
PowerShell HelpWriter

PowerShell HelpWriter

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