
Aggiunge l'azione Pulisci directory.
Ottobre 16, 2019
Nuova versione


  • FinalBuilder Actions
    • Added Clean Directory action.
    • Fileset Define action - added ability to stop/terminate action while refreshing.
  • FinalBuilder Core
    • Logging - Improved logging peformance.


  • FinalBuilder Actions
    • FTPS Upload Files Action - fixed issue with changing directory failing.
  • FinalBuilder Core
    • Fixed a regression issue with opening projects with a - in the name.
    • Logging - Fixed encoding issue.

Note: This build includes a log file schema change, depending on your log file size, you may notice a slight delay when opening an exisitng project for the first time (while the log file schema migration is performed). Note that log files with this schema change cannot be opened by earlier builds of Automise 5.



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