Altova DataBaseSpy Enterprise Edition 2020 Release 2

Aggiunge opzioni aggiuntive per la formattazione delle righe dei risultati.
Marzo 17, 2020
Nuova versione


  • SQL execution summary - DatabaseSpy now provides an execution summary that is particularly useful when executing a lengthy SQL script with numerous statements. The summary lists the number of successful statements and the number of errors reported by the database, if any, so that they can be addressed immediately.
  • Additional options for result row formatting - For quick analysis, the DatabaseSpy SQL editor lets users define conditional formatting of query results displayed in the Results window. In addition to defining background colors and font weight and style, new options are now available for choosing font family and size based on custom SQL conditions, to refine data presentation even further.
  • Support for additional database versions - DatabaseSpy and all database-enabled Altova products now support the latest version of the following databases:
    • Informix 14.10
    • PostgreSQL 12
    • SQLite 3.31
Additional options for result row formatting

Altova DataBaseSpy Enterprise Edition

Uno strumento di gestione, di progettazione e di query di dati multi-database.

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