PHP Tools for Visual Studio v1.62.15410

L'editor ora riconosce le facciate integrate e personalizzate.
Marzo 8, 2022
Nuova versione


  • Editor
    • Adding use is Sorted - The editor now inserts use statements for you; either from a code action over a class name, or when completing a class that is not imported in the current file yet.
    • Laravel Facades - The editor now recognizes built-in and custom facades, it recognizes the facade accessor service and it recognizes defined services as well. The editor also scans the workspace for laravel class aliases defined in config/app.php file.
    • IntelliSense & ORM - IntelliSense has been improved and the integrated multi-language manual has been updated. Code analysis now takes ORM (Object-Relational-Mapping) attributes from doctrine framework into account, and type information from PHPDoc is combined with the type hints. This improves the overall code completions and code analysis.
    • IntelliSense and @ignore tag - Functions annotated with @ignore PHPDoc tag are now ignored by IntelliSense.
  • Workspace
    • Added more debugging options for the Microsoft Visual Studio's Open Folder features. Without creating regular projects in Visual Studio, it is now possible to simply open a folder, and get most of the features for PHP development.
    • IntelliSense, debugging, and Test Explorer are fully supported in folder workspaces now. By default, there are launch options to:
      • Listen for Xdebug.
      • Start and Debug built-in web server.
      • Start and Debug current .php document as a CLI script.
      • All these launch options are configurable through Visual Studio's launch settings.
  • Improvements
    • Added more details in the built-in PHP manual.
    • Updated built-in PHP manual.
    • Updated translations of the built-in PHP manual.
    • Generated PHPDoc for properties now respect its type hint.
    • IntelliSense and code analysis now combines PHPDoc types and type-hint information.
    • Added more detailed IntelliSense for deprecated functions and classes.
    • IntelliSense and tool-tips now show the correct version of implode function.
PHP Tools for Visual Studio

PHP Tools for Visual Studio

Sviluppa siti Web e applicazioni PHP in Visual Studio.

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