DevExtreme Complete 21.2.8

Migliora i controlli DataGrid, Editors e Layout.
Giugno 9, 2022
Nuova versione



  • All Angular products
    • DevExtreme Format works incorrectly when percentage is specified.
    • DevExtreme Reporting - Adding DxReportDesignerModule to app.module breaks DXButton.
    • Export to PDF - Some characters are missing in the exported PDF document after the upgrade to v21.2.7 if a custom font is used.
    • FederationDataSource - The internal data source's Fill method is not called for subreports.
    • The "npm WARN @devextreme/runtime@2.3.14 requires X" message is shown after installing DevExtreme.
    • The bottom margin band caption is cut off in the End-User Report Designer if a report has the A4 page size.
    • Web Document Viewer - The W1019 - The "Filter query string exceeds maximum length limit of 1500 characters" error occurs on resetting parameters for a report with 15 filters.
    • Web Report Designer - Connection names specified by the IDataSourceWizardConnectionStringsProvider service are case-sensitive.
    • Web Report Designer - Controls that exceed the report's size are incorrectly highlighted.
    • Web Report Designer - DateTime parameter values specified in the Object Data Source wizard are ignored.
    • XRBarCode - The Validate method works incorrectly if a barcode has borders.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • DataGrid - A row with free space interferes with the drag and drop functionality.
    • DataGrid - A toolbar button is not shown after switching the edit mode when it is added as an object with the name option.
    • DataGrid - An editing form for a new row is not displayed under certain conditions.
    • DataGrid - An incorrect page is selected after clicking on the last page in a pager for the first time when the virtual scrolling mode is enabled.
    • DataGrid - Cannot resize a column to its minimum width with a quick drag gesture.
    • DataGrid - It is not possible to insert a new row when the newRowPosition option is set to 'viewportBottom' in Angular.
    • DataGrid - Rows are misaligned when the row dragging and column fixing features are active.
    • DataGrid - The "Add row" button is not displayed if the allowAdding option is set to true in code.
    • DataGrid - The "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'column')" error is thrown when right-clicking a row.
    • DataGrid - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getBoundingClientRect').
    • DataGrid - Validation errors of a nested grid are not shown if the form editing mode is used in the main grid.
    • DataGrid doesn't allow changing a focused row after the row was deleted via the keyboard in batch editing mode.
    • DataGrid JavaScript - TypeError is thrown when adding a new row is canceled if 'repaintChangesOnly'=true.
    • DataGrid renders only the fixed part of the dragged row during dragging if horizontal virtual scrolling is enabled.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • ContextMenu for Angular - The context menu is not closed when clicking outside menu options.
    • Diagram - Shapes and connectors of a specific data source are incorrectly placed when autoLayout is set to "tree".
    • Diagram - Touch behavior problems for several scenarios.
    • Diagram - Zooming doesn't work on touch devices.
    • Diagram for Angular - It's not convenient to connect shapes by scrolling on a touch monitor.
    • Diagram for Vue - ContextMenu is not clickable on touch screen.
    • DxDiagram - The "Send to back" operation doesn't work in a specific usage scenario.
    • JavaScript Diagram - Exception is raised when the contextMenu option is changed on onSelectionChanged.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • SelectBox - The active state is not removed when the clear button is clicked and SelectBox's value is changed.
    • Slider - Slider handle remains grayed out when slider disabled property changes to false.
    • The Color picker editor displays an incorrect color for the slider position after pressing the Cancel button.
    • Validation - The "string | number" type of the ValidationCallbackData.value field does not accept other value types.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • DevExtreme File Manager - The component navigates to the destination directory when the "Move" operation is canceled.
    • DevExtreme FileUploader - The bytesTotal event value is undefined when the uploadFile method is used for uploading.
    • File Manager - The getItems method of a custom file provider is invoked several times if a custom exception is thrown on the client.
  • DevExtreme Form
    • Form - Items are not aligned correctly in the Material theme.
    • Form - Last three items have reduced space in a single-column layout.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • dxGantt: The date format is incorrect on export to PDF if the date is specified as a string in the data source.
    • Gantt for Angular - Dependency arrows are incorrectly shifted to the right in certain cases.
    • Gantt for Angular - It's difficult to move a milestone without resizing it.
    • Gantt for JavaScript - The taskDblClick event is not raised when the chart area is clicked on touch devices.
    • Gantt for Web - Validation - An entire page freezes when there are several dependencies between parent and child tasks.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme HtmlEditor
    • HtmlEditor is scrolled up on pressing the Enter button when the cursor is placed inside this editor.
  • DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
    • ContextMenu - The <div> container is displayed and submenus remain unchanged when cssClass is set for the container.
    • Drawer cannot be opened when revealMode is set to "expand", position is set to "right", openedStateMode is set to "overlap" and opened is set to false.
    • DropDownButton - The accessKey attribute assigns an access key to the element that does not activate the Component.
    • List - Blue square/line doesn't highlight the exact drag position when the dropFeedbackMode option is set to 'indicate'.
    • LoadPanel - contentRender/contentComponent option incorrectly appears in the documentation.
    • Popup - The whole page is scrolled on an attempt to scroll to the selected item in SelectBox located in ScrollView.
  • DevExtreme PivotGrid
    • PivotGrid - Data cell alignment is incorrect when native scrolling is used and encodeHtml is set to false.
    • PivotGrid - It is impossible to change the order of data fields in the Pivot Column Chooser when hidden fields exist in the config file as a data field.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • Scheduler - Appointments are not displayed correctly if they coincide with the daylight saving time.
    • Scheduler - Custom views are overwritten when they have the same type.
    • Scheduler - Error occurs when using moveLeft/Right/Up/Down on keyboard.
    • Scheduler - Incorrect date values in Appointment Form editors.
    • Scheduler - LocalStore - An error occurs when an appointment's data is modified.
    • Scheduler - Recurring appointments spanning past midnight can be displayed incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - The 'Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')' error appears after switching to Agenda if resource data is assigned at runtime.
    • Scheduler - The appointmentTemplate function works incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - Time is incorrectly calculated when the appointment is resized, the size of a cell is customized, and zoom is used.
    • Scheduler - TimeZone editors have an empty data source when editing a recurrent appointment and some Edit Form items are hidden in code.
    • Scheduler - Virtual scrolling throws a TypeError when the height or width property is 100%.
  • DevExtreme Themes & Utils
    • Localization - formatDate() doesn't change milliseconds if fractionalSecondDigits is set.
    • Themes - The color-adjust property that is used in the material theme is deprecated.
  • DevExtreme TreeList
    • TreeList - Stack overflows on expanding/collapsing nodes during the search.


  • All HTML JS products
    • DevExtreme Format works incorrectly when percentage is specified.
    • The "npm WARN @devextreme/runtime@2.3.14 requires X" message is shown after installing DevExtreme.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • DataGrid - A row with free space interferes with the drag and drop functionality.
    • DataGrid - A toolbar button is not shown after switching the edit mode when it is added as an object with the name option.
    • DataGrid - An editing form for a new row is not displayed under certain conditions.
    • DataGrid - An incorrect page is selected after clicking on the last page in a pager for the first time when the virtual scrolling mode is enabled.
    • DataGrid - Cannot resize a column to its minimum width with a quick drag gesture.
    • DataGrid - Cells are navigated and the cursor in TextArea doesn't move when the up/down arrow keys are used.
    • DataGrid - Rows are misaligned when the row dragging and column fixing features are active.
    • DataGrid - The "Add row" button is not displayed if the allowAdding option is set to true in code.
    • DataGrid - The "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'column')" error is thrown when right-clicking a row.
    • DataGrid - Toolbar items with 'auto' locateInMenu are not rendered when a row is switched to the editing mode.
    • DataGrid - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getBoundingClientRect').
    • DataGrid - Unexpected scrolling behavior occurs if columnRenderingMode is virtual.
    • DataGrid - Validation errors of a nested grid are not shown if the form editing mode is used in the main grid.
    • DataGrid does not render rows after restoring the initial state in infinite/virtual mode when native scrolling is used.
    • DataGrid doesn't allow changing a focused row after the row was deleted via the keyboard in batch editing mode.
    • DataGrid JavaScript - TypeError is thrown when adding a new row is canceled if 'repaintChangesOnly'=true.
    • DataGrid renders only the fixed part of the dragged row during dragging if horizontal virtual scrolling is enabled.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • Diagram - A shape is not selected on a double click on touch devices with an external mouse.
    • Diagram - Shapes and connectors of a specific data source are incorrectly placed when autoLayout is set to "tree".
    • Diagram - Touch behavior problems for several scenarios.
    • Diagram - Zooming doesn't work on touch devices.
    • Diagram for DevExtreme - It's not possible to drag a shape from the toolbox on a touch device.
    • Diagram for jQuery - Connectors are calculated incorrectly after adding a custom shape with custom connectors in the context toolbox.
    • Diagram for Vue - ContextMenu is not clickable on touch screen.
    • dxDiagram - Toolbar separators are not displayed in Firefox.
    • JavaScript Diagram - Exception is raised when the contextMenu option is changed on onSelectionChanged.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • SelectBox - The active state is not removed when the clear button is clicked and SelectBox's value is changed.
    • Slider - Slider handle remains grayed out when slider disabled property changes to false.
    • The Color picker editor displays an incorrect color for the slider position after pressing the Cancel button.
    • Validation - The "string | number" type of the ValidationCallbackData.value field does not accept other value types.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • DevExtreme File Manager - The component navigates to the destination directory when the "Move" operation is canceled.
    • DevExtreme FileUploader - The bytesTotal event value is undefined when the uploadFile method is used for uploading.
    • File Manager - The getItems method of a custom file provider is invoked several times if a custom exception is thrown on the client.
  • DevExtreme Form
    • Form - Items are not aligned correctly in the Material theme.
    • Form - Last three items have reduced space in a single-column layout.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • dxGantt: The date format is incorrect on export to PDF if the date is specified as a string in the data source.
    • Gantt for JavaScript - The taskDblClick event is not raised when the chart area is clicked on touch devices.
    • Gantt for JavaScript - The task time is incorrectly displayed in certain cases with the daylight saving time.
    • Gantt for Web - Validation - An entire page freezes when there are several dependencies between parent and child tasks.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme HtmlEditor
    • HtmlEditor - The Add link dialog adds text to a link even if the text field was not populated.
    • HtmlEditor is scrolled up on pressing the Enter button when the cursor is placed inside this editor.
  • DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
    • ContextMenu - The <div> container is displayed and submenus remain unchanged when cssClass is set for the container.
    • Drawer cannot be opened when revealMode is set to "expand", position is set to "right", openedStateMode is set to "overlap" and opened is set to false.
    • DropDownButton - The accessKey attribute assigns an access key to the element that does not activate the Component.
    • List - Blue square/line doesn't highlight the exact drag position when the dropFeedbackMode option is set to 'indicate'.
    • LoadPanel - contentRender/contentComponent option incorrectly appears in the documentation.
    • Menu - The onItemRendered event refers to an incorrect item when the adaptive mode is enabled.
    • Popup - The whole page is scrolled on an attempt to scroll to the selected item in SelectBox located in ScrollView.
  • DevExtreme PivotGrid
    • PivotGrid - Data cell alignment is incorrect when native scrolling is used and encodeHtml is set to false.
    • PivotGrid - It is impossible to change the order of data fields in the Pivot Column Chooser when hidden fields exist in the config file as a data field.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • Scheduler - Appointments are not displayed correctly if they coincide with the daylight saving time.
    • Scheduler - Custom views are overwritten when they have the same type.
    • Scheduler - Error occurs when using moveLeft/Right/Up/Down on keyboard.
    • Scheduler - Recurring appointments spanning past midnight can be displayed incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - The appointmentTemplate function works incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - Time is incorrectly calculated when the appointment is resized, the size of a cell is customized, and zoom is used.
    • Scheduler - TimeZone editors have an empty data source when editing a recurrent appointment and some Edit Form items are hidden in code.
    • Scheduler - Virtual scrolling throws a TypeError when the height or width property is 100%.
  • DevExtreme ThemeBuilder
    • ThemeBuilder - It is not possible to change the DataGrid's background Material Theme.
  • DevExtreme Themes & Utils
    • Localization - formatDate() doesn't change milliseconds if fractionalSecondDigits is set.
    • Themes - The color-adjust property that is used in the material theme is deprecated.
  • DevExtreme TreeList
    • TreeList - Data is sorted after inserting a new row even though refreshMode is set to 'repaint'.
    • TreeList - The value of a node's aria-selected attribute changes after expanding the node if the selection -> recursive option is set.


  • All React products
    • DevExtreme Format works incorrectly when percentage is specified.
    • DevExtreme React Сomponents do not work when the strict mode is enabled in React 18.
    • The "npm WARN @devextreme/runtime@2.3.14 requires X" message is shown after installing DevExtreme.
  • DevExtreme Data Grid
    • DataGrid - A row with free space interferes with the drag and drop functionality.
    • DataGrid - A toolbar button is not shown after switching the edit mode when it is added as an object with the name option.
    • DataGrid - An editing form for a new row is not displayed under certain conditions.
    • DataGrid - An incorrect page is selected after clicking on the last page in a pager for the first time when the virtual scrolling mode is enabled.
    • DataGrid - Cannot resize a column to its minimum width with a quick drag gesture.
    • DataGrid - Rows are misaligned when the row dragging and column fixing features are active.
    • DataGrid - The "Add row" button is not displayed if the allowAdding option is set to true in code.
    • DataGrid - The "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'column')" error is thrown when right-clicking a row.
    • DataGrid - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getBoundingClientRect').
    • DataGrid doesn't allow changing a focused row after the row was deleted via the keyboard in batch editing mode.
    • DataGrid JavaScript - TypeError is thrown when adding a new row is canceled if 'repaintChangesOnly'=true.
    • DataGrid renders only the fixed part of the dragged row during dragging if horizontal virtual scrolling is enabled.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • Diagram - Shapes and connectors of a specific data source are incorrectly placed when autoLayout is set to "tree".
    • Diagram - Touch behavior problems for several scenarios.
    • Diagram - Zooming doesn't work on touch devices.
    • Diagram for React - The position of two pasted nodes is incorrect if they are copied right after pasting one node.
    • JavaScript Diagram - Exception is raised when the contextMenu option is changed on onSelectionChanged.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • SelectBox - The active state is not removed when the clear button is clicked and SelectBox's value is changed.
    • Slider - Slider handle remains grayed out when slider disabled property changes to false.
    • The Color picker editor displays an incorrect color for the slider position after pressing the Cancel button.
    • Validation - The "string | number" type of the ValidationCallbackData.value field does not accept other value types.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • DevExtreme File Manager - The component navigates to the destination directory when the "Move" operation is canceled.
    • DevExtreme FileUploader - The bytesTotal event value is undefined when the uploadFile method is used for uploading.
    • File Manager - The getItems method of a custom file provider is invoked several times if a custom exception is thrown on the client.
  • DevExtreme Form
    • Form - Items are not aligned correctly in the Material theme.
    • Form - Last three items have reduced space in a single-column layout.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • dxGantt: The date format is incorrect on export to PDF if the date is specified as a string in the data source.
    • Gantt for JavaScript - The taskDblClick event is not raised when the chart area is clicked on touch devices.
    • Gantt for React - Tasks are incorrectly displayed and modified when startDateRange is defined.
    • Gantt for React - Tasks become collapsed on loading a Gantt control if the autoUpdateParentTasks option is enabled.
    • Gantt for Web - Validation - An entire page freezes when there are several dependencies between parent and child tasks.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme HtmlEditor
    • HtmlEditor is scrolled up on pressing the Enter button when the cursor is placed inside this editor.
  • DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
    • ContextMenu - The <div> container is displayed and submenus remain unchanged when cssClass is set for the container.
    • Drawer - Content is not displayed in React 18.
    • Drawer cannot be opened when revealMode is set to "expand", position is set to "right", openedStateMode is set to "overlap" and opened is set to false.
    • DropDownButton - The accessKey attribute assigns an access key to the element that does not activate the Component.
    • List - Blue square/line doesn't highlight the exact drag position when the dropFeedbackMode option is set to 'indicate'.
    • LoadPanel - contentRender/contentComponent option incorrectly appears in the documentation.
    • Popup - The whole page is scrolled on an attempt to scroll to the selected item in SelectBox located in ScrollView.
  • DevExtreme PivotGrid
    • PivotGrid - Data cell alignment is incorrect when native scrolling is used and encodeHtml is set to false.
    • PivotGrid - It is impossible to change the order of data fields in the Pivot Column Chooser when hidden fields exist in the config file as a data field.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • Scheduler - Appointments are not displayed correctly if they coincide with the daylight saving time.
    • Scheduler - Custom views are overwritten when they have the same type.
    • Scheduler - Error occurs when using moveLeft/Right/Up/Down on keyboard.
    • Scheduler - Recurring appointments spanning past midnight can be displayed incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - The appointmentTemplate function works incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - Time is incorrectly calculated when the appointment is resized, the size of a cell is customized, and zoom is used.
    • Scheduler - TimeZone editors have an empty data source when editing a recurrent appointment and some Edit Form items are hidden in code.
    • Scheduler - Virtual scrolling throws a TypeError when the height or width property is 100%.
  • DevExtreme Themes & Utils
    • Localization - formatDate() doesn't change milliseconds if fractionalSecondDigits is set.
    • Themes - The color-adjust property that is used in the material theme is deprecated.


  • All Vue products
    • DevExtreme Format works incorrectly when percentage is specified.
    • The "npm WARN @devextreme/runtime@2.3.14 requires X" message is shown after installing DevExtreme.
  • DevExtreme DataGrid
    • DataGrid - A row with free space interferes with the drag and drop functionality.
    • DataGrid - A toolbar button is not shown after switching the edit mode when it is added as an object with the name option.
    • DataGrid - An editing form for a new row is not displayed under certain conditions.
    • DataGrid - An incorrect page is selected after clicking on the last page in a pager for the first time when the virtual scrolling mode is enabled.
    • DataGrid - Cannot resize a column to its minimum width with a quick drag gesture.
    • DataGrid - Rows are misaligned when the row dragging and column fixing features are active.
    • DataGrid - The "Add row" button is not displayed if the allowAdding option is set to true in code.
    • DataGrid - The "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'column')" error is thrown when right-clicking a row.
    • DataGrid - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getBoundingClientRect').
    • DataGrid doesn't allow changing a focused row after the row was deleted via the keyboard in batch editing mode.
    • DataGrid JavaScript - TypeError is thrown when adding a new row is canceled if 'repaintChangesOnly'=true.
    • DataGrid renders only the fixed part of the dragged row during dragging if horizontal virtual scrolling is enabled.
  • DevExtreme Diagram
    • Diagram - Shapes and connectors of a specific data source are incorrectly placed when autoLayout is set to "tree".
    • Diagram - Touch behavior problems for several scenarios.
    • Diagram - Zooming doesn't work on touch devices.
    • Diagram for Vue - A custom shape becomes unusable after the right mouse button click while dragging.
    • Diagram for Vue - ContextMenu is not clickable on touch screen.
    • Diagram for Vue - The canvas is scrolled when a user clicks a shape on a page that is not the first one.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme Editors & Validation
    • SelectBox - The active state is not removed when the clear button is clicked and SelectBox's value is changed.
    • Slider - Slider handle remains grayed out when slider disabled property changes to false.
    • The Color picker editor displays an incorrect color for the slider position after pressing the Cancel button.
    • Validation - The "string | number" type of the ValidationCallbackData.value field does not accept other value types.
  • DevExtreme File Management
    • DevExtreme File Manager - The component navigates to the destination directory when the "Move" operation is canceled.
    • DevExtreme FileUploader - The bytesTotal event value is undefined when the uploadFile method is used for uploading.
    • File Manager - The getItems method of a custom file provider is invoked several times if a custom exception is thrown on the client.
  • DevExtreme Form
    • Form - Items are not aligned correctly in the Material theme.
    • Form - Last three items have reduced space in a single-column layout.
  • DevExtreme Gantt
    • dxGantt: The date format is incorrect on export to PDF if the date is specified as a string in the data source.
    • Gantt for JavaScript - The taskDblClick event is not raised when the chart area is clicked on touch devices.
    • Gantt for Vue - Scrolling doesn't work in Gantt with disabled editing on a touch screen.
    • The source code of DevExtreme Diagram & Gantt is not available.
  • DevExtreme HtmlEditor
    • HtmlEditor is scrolled up on pressing the Enter button when the cursor is placed inside this editor.
  • DevExtreme Layout & Navigation
    • ContextMenu - The <div> container is displayed and submenus remain unchanged when cssClass is set for the container.
    • Drawer cannot be opened when revealMode is set to "expand", position is set to "right", openedStateMode is set to "overlap" and opened is set to false.
    • DropDownButton - The accessKey attribute assigns an access key to the element that does not activate the Component.
    • List - Blue square/line doesn't highlight the exact drag position when the dropFeedbackMode option is set to 'indicate'.
    • LoadPanel - contentRender/contentComponent option incorrectly appears in the documentation.
    • Popup - The whole page is scrolled on an attempt to scroll to the selected item in SelectBox located in ScrollView.
  • DevExtreme PivotGrid
    • PivotGrid - Data cell alignment is incorrect when native scrolling is used and encodeHtml is set to false.
    • PivotGrid - It is impossible to change the order of data fields in the Pivot Column Chooser when hidden fields exist in the config file as a data field.
  • DevExtreme Scheduler
    • Scheduler - Appointments are not displayed correctly if they coincide with the daylight saving time.
    • Scheduler - Custom views are overwritten when they have the same type.
    • Scheduler - Error occurs when using moveLeft/Right/Up/Down on keyboard.
    • Scheduler - Recurring appointments spanning past midnight can be displayed incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - The appointmentTemplate function works incorrectly.
    • Scheduler - Time is incorrectly calculated when the appointment is resized, the size of a cell is customized, and zoom is used.
    • Scheduler - TimeZone editors have an empty data source when editing a recurrent appointment and some Edit Form items are hidden in code.
    • Scheduler - Virtual scrolling throws a TypeError when the height or width property is 100%.
  • DevExtreme Themes & Utils
    • Localization - formatDate() doesn't change milliseconds if fractionalSecondDigits is set.
    • Themes - The color-adjust property that is used in the material theme is deprecated.
DevExtreme Complete

DevExtreme Complete

Pacchetto di componenti JavaScript per uno sviluppo del Web reattivo.

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