Funzionalità di AppLife Update

Features of AppLife Update

AppLife Update Features:

  • Integrates into your application - Integrate AppLife automatic update features into your .Net application by adding a single component
  • No server requirements - Host AppLife Update packages on any file server
  • Fine grain versioning control - AppLife Update provides fine control over the specific software versions that can apply your updates
  • Download and publish updates using Http/Ftp/UNC/Filepath addresses - Use AppLife Update over the internet, on your local network, or both
  • Automatic proxy detection - AppLife Update automatically detects proxy settings for you. You can also manually configure proxy server settings
  • Public-Private key validation - Have peace-of-mind that your software is secure with AppLife Update. Each update package is signed with your own private key during publishing and verified with the associated public key before it is applied
  • Create custom update actions - Perform application specific custom update activities with AppLife Update custom actions. Create custom actions in your favorite .Net language. Patterned after the .Net custom control architecture, building custom actions for AppLife Update is extremely intuitive to .Net developers
  • Controlled rollout - Avoid server and network congestion by staggering update rollout over a period of hours with controlled rollouts
  • Documented API - Complete and thorough documentation on all of the customizable features of AppLife Update
  • Command line utility for automation integration- Integrate AppLife Update directly into your automated build process with the command line build and publish utility
  • Replace files, register COM assemblies, edit config(xml) files - Using AppLife Update, you can easily perform most of the actions necessary to update .Net applications by using built in AppLife Update actions
  • Build and distribute an AppLife Update, distribute Msi upgrades, or distribute your own update - With AppLife Update, you can implement automatic updates in your software based on an AppLife Update action list, a Windows Installer Msi or Msp file, or you can distribute your own custom updater
  • Elevated privileges - Allow standard users to apply updates to your product without administrative support using the AppLife Update windows service
  • Easily integrate licensing controls - You can check licensing status or perform any other validation before allowing a client to download and apply an update. Perform this validation for individual updates. Implement fine control over update distribution, allowing some clients to update and denying others based on your specific business needs
  • Synchronize assembly version and update version - AppLife Update supports using the .Net assembly version of the host application to identify the current software version. Alternatively, allow wildcard assembly versioning and identify your software version directly through AppLife Update
  • Limited availability updates - Publish updates for a limited user group then switch on the fly to normal availability
  • Asynchronous update methods - Customize the update process within your application by using synchronous and asynchronous methods to check for and download updates. The threading model used with these methods marshal events back to the calling thread, making it extremely easy for you to create very custom update processes

AppLife Update Feature Matrix

 General Features Full Limited
 Complete, built-in update process user interface
 Windows Forms Updating Visual Controls
 WPF Updating Visual Controls
 Comprehensive API to control the update process  
 Discrete API methods to check for updates  
 Discrete API methods for downloading updates  
 Visual Studio Designer Support
 Update Execution Log Viewer
 Integrate update publishing directly into automated build processes
 Localized update process (en, de, es, fr, it, ja, zh-CHT)
 Easily integrate your licensing model into the update process
 Supports the .Net 2.0 through 4.0 Frameworks (Including Client Profiles)
 Full support for Vista/Windows 7 UAC Elevation
 Distribution Framework Features Full Limited
 Use any web or file server
 Manage multiple update locations
 Download from any ftp, http, https, UNC, or file path
 Download updates in the background  
 Resume interrupted downloads
 Publish updates for specific client versions
 Provide specific, localized summary information for each update
 Publish custom data with each update - Consume data in client code
 Choose from all available updates within client-side logic
 Download progress indication with option to cancel
 Coordinated shut down of all application instances
 Automatically detect proxy settings
 Control rollout of updates gradually over time
 Preserved command line parameters on application restart
 Configurable text to display when no updates are available
 Flexible determination of current client version
 Designate updates with toggle-able limited availability for testing
 Dynamic control of update location
 Pass custom http header values to web server
 Security Features Full Limited
 Cryptographic update package signature verification after download
 Secure download support using SSL (https)
 Download and Publish updates from secured network folders
 Securely elevate privileges to apply updates for non-admin client users  
 Update without Vista UAC prompting  
 Application Update Activity Features Full Limited
 Maintain client system integrity with transacted update execution engine
 Preemptive permission checking to avoid inevitable execution failure
 Replace client files in common folder locations
 Automatically determine files to include in updates
 Automatic Update Chaining
 Distribute .Net 4.0 Framework  
 Easily execute custom .Net code with the Dynamic Code Action  
 Conditional Expressions on Update Actions
 Bitwise File Patching
 Comprehensive Update Logging
 Add and Remove Assemblies from the GAC  
 Replace Files on Windows Restart
 Register .Net Assemblies for COM Interop  
 Execute Command Line Activity  
 Execute MSI's during Update  
 Pass Client State Info into Update Process
 File mask exclusion of files (e.g. *.config, *.pdb, etc.)
 Add files by mask (e.g. *.exe, *.dll, etc.)
 Create file shortcuts
 Register / unregister 32 or 64 bit COM components  
 x64 File System and Registry support
 Update databases using transacted, provider-independent actions  
 Modify Xml files (including application config files)  
 Start/Stop Windows Services  
 Pass variables between update actions  
 Simple branding and text customization of update engine user interface
 Optionally restart application after update
 Complete Visual Customization of Update User Interface  
 Update Summary Spell Checking
 Updates can be applied silently
 Extensible update infrastructure for creating custom actions  
 Expansion variables evaluated on the client at runtime