Recensioni di Aspose.Cells for .NET

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Ultima recensione positiva

compounder Ucraina5 stella

We are designing system which would allow you to automate your business flows. To process all that information we need to be able to process documents of different types. When we looked at Aspose... Per saperne di più

Ultima recensione critica

Non ci sono commenti negativi per questo prodotto.
compounder Ucraina5 stella

We are designing system which would allow you to automate your business flows. To process all that information we need to be able to process documents of different types. When we looked at Aspose components, the first thing I noticed was its well-built API. It's intuitive, clear and well documented. Also, it is amazing at reading 'edge-case' documents (i.e. documents with some specific version of format or non-trivial documents). It allows you to process many different file formats, including images, Visio diagrams, Outlook mail, OneNote, GIS files, and - except for a few cases - performance is very fast. The components are self-sufficient, requiring no other external dependencies, and they do indeed parse the document according to format specification. I'd recommend Aspose as one of the best components for documents processing

Exact5 stella

Aspose Cells for .NET converting HTML to native Excel

Our Cloud Business Software suite Exact Online includes functionality to export overview pages to Microsoft Excel. Exact Online is used by nearly 300.000 companies in seven countries: Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain. An example of the exportation of overview pages can be that a customer wants to export his invoice history to Microsoft Excel.

The way we solved this in the past was by exporting the HTML of that overview page directly to Microsoft Excel. Something that was supported by Microsoft Excel at the time we created this functionality. Over the past years Microsoft made several improvements to Excel and the technology that we used became legacy Excel functionality. Therefore, we decided to take a new approach and also wanted to support the latest XSLX format for our customers.

With Aspose Cells for .NET we have the opportunity to keep functionality in place as known by our users, which is important as we don’t want to interfere with the way our customers use the software too much. Thanks to Aspose we have been able to create a truly native Microsoft Excel export of our overview pages, without going through too much effort. Obviously, changes to a business critical application will always trigger questions from customers, but this way we have been able to contain that concern.

During our trial period we had several contact moments with Aspose in order to better understand the component and the best way to integrate it. Their support and sales department are very quick in responding. Often even within minutes. This was of great value to us as we could almost instantly continue with our development process.

krabunGA, USA5 stella
Wow, we bought our 2nd Aspose product - Cells for .NET and it worked great for us. We are using it as part of a very complex reporting system for our clients. It allows us to automate the creation of a very large set of spreadsheets that then tie to a 100+ slide PPT file that is published on our client's website. It saved us weeks of development! Great product and now we're looking at purchasing a 3rd of their products. Great job!