A proposito di dbForge Index Manager

Esamina, analizza e correggi i problemi di frammentazione dell'indice.

dbForge Index Manager is an SSMS add-in which offers intelligent methods for identifying and fixing index fragmentation issues. The tasks’ performance is accelerated - collect the stats of index fragmentation, detect databases requiring maintenance and rebuild and reorganize SQL Server indexes instantly in visual mode. The add-in produces SQL scripts that you can save for future use.

dbForge Index Manager Feature Highlights:

  • Analyze the database indexes in-depth
  • Sort the index fragmentation troubles based on severity and fix
  • Rebuild and reorganize indexes according to their thresholds
  • Generate scripts for index-related commands execution
  • Export the results of index analysis as reports on fragmentation
  • Detect index fragmentation issues across multiple databases
  • Automate standard tasks via command-line interface