Rilasci di DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

Released: Mar 2, 2018

Aggiornamenti in 17.2.6


ASP.NET Web Forms


  • ASPxCheckBox is rendered incorrectly if the Accessibility feature and the toggle mode are enabled.
  • ASPxComboBox - It is impossible to set a null server value if DataSecurityMode is Strict and AllowNull is enabled after a postback.
  • ASPxComboBox - The server-side SelectedIndexChanged event is not fired when a user selects items with the same text and a different value and AutoPostBack is enabled.
  • ASPxFormLayout - Layout groups are not aligned...

Released: Jan 24, 2018

Aggiornamenti in 17.2.5


ASP.NET Web Forms

  • All ASP.NET Controls
    • ASPxControls - Script blocks are duplicated after a callback request.
    • ASPxGaugeControl - The component is not rendered in design mode in SharePoint 2016.
    • DevExpress themes - The "System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary" exception is thrown if an end-user re-loads a page several times.
    • The "Cannot find the 'X' theme" error occurs after an application pool recycles in production environment...

Released: Dec 13, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.2.4


  • All ASP.NET Controls
    • ASPxFileManager - AmazonFileSystemProvider - It is not possible to upload files larger than 80mb.
    • ASPxThemes - The GlobalFont property doesn't work for the Material and MaterialCompact themes.
    • Calendar - Inline Fast Navigation - The FastNavProperties.EnablePeriodNavigation property value is not taken into account when navigation is performed through gestures on touch devices.
    • Localization - InvalidSpinEditRange and InvalidDateEditRange keys are translated...

Released: Nov 16, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.2.3


  • GridView Control
    • Merged Column Grouping - With this release, you can now merge the Grid View's grouped columns by dragging appropriate column header(s) to the group panel and arranging them across a line.
    • Data Export - You can now export data using built-in functionality and no longer need to use an external export engine. The new 'Export' command item can be added to the built-in toolbar without any code. In addition, it now supports export to DOCX.
    • Adaptive Popup Dialogs - With...

Released: Nov 9, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.1.8


ASP.NET Web Forms

All ASP.NET Controls

  • An exception occurs when the Value property is initialized and the ItemRequestedByValue method returns not an IEnumerable-type object.


  • ASPxComboBox - A decimal value is incorrectly posted when the Spanish culture is used.
  • ASPxSpinEdit - The display format is not applied if text is set by using ASPxSpinEdit.SetText.
  • ASPxTrackBar - Material Theme - The track bar width is always more than its container width.


Released: Oct 6, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.1.7


ASP.NET Web Forms

All ASP.NET Controls

  • Remove the preventPageScrollingOnSpace method as it is no longer used.
  • The "ASPxClientEditBase is not defined" error occurs when scripts are cached and the culture is changed.


  • ASPxCheckbox - An incorrect sprite image is displayed in the editor in IE if the AccessibilityCompliant property is set to true.
  • ASPxProgressBar doesn't show the "position" text if the DisplayMode property is set to "Custom" and the CustomDisplayFormat...

Released: Sep 6, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.1.6


ASP.NET Web Forms

  • All ASP.NET Controls
    • ASPxGridView - A master row context menu is shown for ASPxTreeList placed in DetailRowTemplate.
    • Documentation - The "Upgrading to a Newer Version" topic doesn't provide information about upgrading (only installation is described).
  • ASP.NET Demos
    • It is impossible to disable connection string patching in the local demos.
  • ASPxDataEditors
    • ASPxButtonEdit - The clear button is not visible.
    • ASPxCalendar - Accessibility - Icons and Selection are not...

Released: Aug 2, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.1.5


All ASP.NET Controls

  • ASPxFileManager - The "Unable to get property 'GetExpanded' of undefined or null reference" JavaScript error occurs on an attempt to delete a folder.
  • ASPxHint does not always disappear from a grid row.
  • ASPxNavBar is cleared after a postback request.
  • ASPxSplitter - An iframe rendered inside a pane with the defined ContentUrl and AutoHeight set to true doesn't occupy the full panel's height.
  • ASPxUploadControl - The Open file dialog is not opened after any HTML...

Released: Jun 29, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.1.4


All ASP.NET Controls

  • The order and IDs of runtime resources are undetermined and can lead to an exception on loading the resource content.
  • Touch UI - The scrolling functionality does not work correctly on iOS devices.


  • ASP.NET DevExpress controls are not registered correctly in the VB version of DocumentServerWebDemo in VS 2017.
  • ASPxGridView - Context Menu demo - Icons are missing in the Export sub menu.
  • Source code of DevExpress.Web.DemoData.dll is missing in demos...

Released: May 17, 2017

Aggiornamenti in 17.1.3


  • New Hint Control - This release ships with the new Hint Control for both ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET MVC. As you might expect, the DevExpress ASP.NET Hint Control generates its content on demand and displays it within a box along with an arrow targeting the specified UI element on a web page. Features include:
    • A trigger action to display the hint (hover, click, focus, programmatic)
    • Customizable delay before the display of the hint
    • Animation effects
    • Callout element availability...