Griglia dati JavaScript che ha l'aspetto di un foglio di calcolo.
Pubblicato da Handsoncode
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 2016
Prezzi da: $ 881.02 Versione: 14.6.1 NUOVO Aggiornato il: Oct 17, 2024 (1)
Handsontable is a JavaScript/HTML5 data grid component with a spreadsheet look and feel that is independent from any external framework. It can be easily modified or extended with custom plugins. It also binds to any source using the JSON format and is capable of handling large amounts of data. You can easily perform data binding, data validation, filtering, sorting and CRUD operations, and provide end-users with an Excel-like experience. Handsontable comes with wrappers and directives for most popular frameworks, such as Angular, React and Vue. The component supports multiple languages including Chinese, Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Polish and Russian.
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Handsontable Features
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