Rilasci di Oxygen JSON Editor
Released: Sep 18, 2024
Aggiornamenti in V26.1 Build ID: 2024091606
- Windows/OpenJDK JRE: Downgraded the bundled OpenJDK JRE to version 17.0.11 due to stability issues with version 17.0.12 (crashes after system sleep/resume).
Released: Jul 31, 2024
Aggiornamenti in V26.1 Build ID: 2024073008
- OpenJDK JRE: Updated the bundled OpenJDK JRE to version 17.0.12.
- JSON Schema Detector: Fixed an issue where an exception error happened when the value of "$schema" is null.
Released: Apr 24, 2024
Aggiornamenti in V26.1 Build ID: 2024042206
- OpenJDK JRE: Updated the bundled OpenJDK JRE to version 17.0.11.
- Text Search / Indexer: Fixed unhandled error ("maxClauseCount is set to 1024") when indexing resources for actions like "Open/Find Resources", "Find similar topics" or in the "Reusable Components" view.
- JSON Transformation: Corrected the configuration for the Saxon JSON transformer.
Released: Mar 25, 2024
Aggiornamenti in V26.1
- Transform JSON Documents with XSLT - An enhanced feature has been added that enables you to transform JSON documents using XSLT processing. This involves the implementation of transformation scenarios, which can be created and linked to JSON documents. This facilitates the smooth processing of JSON documents, streamlining the overall workflow.
- Transform Multiple JSON Documents at Once - It is now possible to transform multiple JSON documents at once with XSLT processing.
- Edit...
Released: Jan 29, 2024
Aggiornamenti in V26.0 Build ID: 2024012406
- Open/Find Resource: Fixed a NoClassDefFoundError that occurred when indexing PDF files linked to the project.
- JSON/Validation: A "No JSON schema associated" message is now displayed in the "Schema" column of the table in the editing validation scenarios dialog box when no JSON schema is selected for the JSON Schema Validator engine.
Released: Nov 13, 2023
Aggiornamenti in V26.0 Build ID: 2023111306
- Component Update: Updated the JSON-Java (org.json) package to version 20231013.
- API/Compare Files: A new parameter has been added to the 'DiffAndMergeTools.openMergeApplication' method to specify whether the proposed changes should be applied initially.
- Author: Fixed an issue where an explicitly set attribute value was lost when the attribute was renamed and it also had a default value specified in the schema.
- Security/Schematron: Fixed an issue regarding the validation...