A proposito di PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET

Aggiunge funzionalità di caricamento file all'applicazione ASP.NET, inclusi i rapporti sullo stato di avanzamento in tempo reale e lo streaming sul lato server.

PowerWEB File Upload for ASP.NET uses Ajax techniques to transfer files from browser to web server while minimizing the server memory footprint. It allows you to stream files to disk, memory, or any Stream interface for advanced applications such as a direct file upload to an FTP server. Additionally, the look and feel of File Upload controls can be customized with custom fonts and images to seamlessly blend into your website design.

PowerWEB File Upload includes:

  • 4 Web server controls
  • Full MS Help 2.0 Documentation, including extensive examples
  • UploadManager - Used to configure page-level upload behaviour, including upload destination and streaming behaviour
  • Upload - The interactive upload control which allows end-users to select files and initiate a file transfer
  • OpenFileDialog - A control which can be attached to browser elements, to provide custom open file dialog and upload behaviour
  • ProgressPanel - A fully customizable panel which displays file upload statistics and progress bar for each file included in an upload operation

Compared to the native ASP.NET HtmlInputFile control, the PowerWEB File Upload control:

  • Can upload multiple files
  • Is a visual control that can be styled
  • Uses Ajax to upload files, eliminating the full-page refresh
  • Streams files to memory, disk, or any other streaming interface (to eliminate large memory allocations on the server)
  • Allows the user to cancel the upload at any time

PowerWEB File Upload also includes advanced web controls that enhance your users' experience:

  • True drag/drop/run operation is provided, automatically modifying the web.config file in the design-time environment
  • The OpenFile control allows the user to select multiple files within a single dialog box
  • The ProgressPanel control can be styled and customized for any application