A proposito di RAD Server

The perfect back-end for Delphi and C++Builder apps.

RAD Server is a turn-key application foundation for rapidly building and deploying service based applications. RAD Server provides automated Delphi and C++ REST/JSON API publishing and management, Enterprise database integration middleware, IoT Edgeware and an array of application services such as User Directory and Authentication services, Push Notifications, Indoor/Outdoor Geolocation and JSON data storage. RAD Server enables developers to quickly build new application back-ends or migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services based architecture that is open, stateless, secure and scalable. RAD Server is easy to develop, deploy and operate making it ideally suited for ISVs and OEMs building re-deployable solutions.

RAD Server Features

  • REST End Point Publishing - An all-in-one turnkey foundation for your application back end APIs and Services.
  • Integration Middleware - Integrations provide out of the box connectivity with external servers, applications and services.
  • Application Services - A collection of ready to use key built-in services to power your application. Includes core functions such as user directory services and user management, push notifications, user location tracking, and built-in data storage.

Multi-Tier Development Made Easy

  • Build Client UX - Quickly Build your UX Forms for Desktop and Mobile platforms in RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder
  • Manage - Manage your APIs and users, and analyze utilization and API activity via the built-in RAD Server Application Management Portal.
  • Deploy - Host your RAD Server on an a private “on prem” Windows server or cloud host on Amazon, Rackspace or Azure Clouds.
  • Create Server API End-Points - Deploy your server-side Delphi and C++ code to RAD Server, creating automatic REST/JSON API end-points for your clients
  • Integrate - Connect RAD Server to your Enterprise Databases, Cloud Services and IoT Devices to extend your application.
  • Add Application Services - Add users and API access control rules, and turn on data persistence to use the built-in secure data store.
  • Add Users - Configure user groups and add users via the RAD Server portal or import from LDAP. Assign API access rights to control what functionality different user groups have access to

REST End-Point Publishing

  • REST End-Point Publishing - Easy to use API publishing of business logic. Any Delphi or C++ code can be hosted as an API and auto-published as REST/JSON endpoints which are measured and managed by RAD Server.
  • API Analytics - All REST API end-point activity is recorded and measured for robust statistics tracking and analytics. Analyze user, API, and services activity to gain insight into how your application is being utilized.
  • Access Control - Group and user level access to control to all application APIs. Control who has access to what functionality. All access is user authenticated.
  • Desktop, Mobile and Web - All C++ and Delphi code hosted on RAD Server are published as REST/JSON end points consumable by any type of client for extreme flexibility and future-proofing.

Integration Middleware

  • Enterprise Data - High performance built-in connectivity to all popular Enterprise RDBMS servers. Based on FireDAC developers have easy connectivity and a wealth of features for connecting with and working with data from a variety of sources.
  • IoT Smart Devices - IoT Connection components enables fast and easy integration of IoT Smart devices into your app clients or back-end. RAD Server’s IoT Edgeware extends it’s reach to where your Bluetooth IoT devices are physically located.
  • Cloud Services - Easily integrate REST cloud services from a variety of cloud, social, and BAAS platforms such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Kinvey, Parse and more.

Application Services

  • Push Notifications - Send programmatic or on-demand notifications to your application users.
  • Built-in Secure Datastore - Easily store and retrieve JSON data securely and without requiring a separate database server.
  • User/Group Management - Create and manage users, groups, and access control via the RAD Server management portal.
  • User Location/Proximity - Track user movement both indoors and outdoors, and respond to proximity events when users enter or exit custom beacon zones or approach designated beacon points.