Rebex File Transfer Pack

Rebex File Transfer Pack includes File Server - SFTP, SCP and SSH server component for .NET. Makes it easy to create a server that can be used by any SFTP, SCP or SSH client, Rebex FTP for .NET - A file transfer component. Makes it possible to transfer files directly from your application using FTP. Supports TLS 1.3/1.2 and Rebex SFTP for .NET - A file transfer component. Makes it possible to transfer files over a secure SSH channel using the SFTP protocol.

Rebex File Transfer Pack Features

  • Rebex File Server for .NET - SFTP, SCP and SSH server component for .NET. Makes it easy to create a server that can be used by any SFTP, SCP or SSH client.
  • Rebex FTP for .NET - A file transfer component. Makes it possible to transfer files directly from your application using FTP. Supports TLS 1.3/1.2.
  • Rebex SFTP for .NET - A file transfer component. Makes it possible to transfer files over a secure SSH channel using the SFTP protocol.
  • Easy-to-use API - Connect...

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Prezzi da: $ 685.02

A Developer License is licensed on per-developer basis. You have to obtain a valid license for each person who writes code which directly uses the component. A Company license licenses all developers...

Rebex File Transfer Pack è disponibile anche in:

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Come distributori ufficiali e autorizzati, ComponentSource vi fornisce legittime licenze direttamente da Rebex.
Component Type
  • .NET 9.0/8.0/7.0/6.0/5.0
  • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, 4.0-4.8.1
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • Mono 6.0 or higher
  • Xamarin.iOS 13.10 or later
  • Xamarin.Android 10.1 or later

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