Aggiungi funzionalità di aggiornamento in tempo reale al software.
Pubblicato da Indigo Rose
Distribuito da ComponentSource dal 2002
Prezzi da: $ 387.10 Versione: Aggiornato il: Jan 22, 2024 (1)
TrueUpdate is a Windows application that provides a sophisticated framework for determining required updates and then retrieving and applying the necessary patch or installation files via the Internet, intranet or LAN. It was designed to meet the demand for a complete, web-enabled updating solution that can be integrated into new and existing software products, regardless of the installation and deployment methods used.
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TrueUpdate's design workspace and generated updates are compatible with Windows Vista, including a configurable "requested execution level" setting for the update's manifest.
Integrates Easily - TrueUpdate was designed to minimize the time it takes to add automated update capabilities to your software. As a separate executable, the TrueUpdate system is easy to integrate into your software. Simply customize the client executable with the easy-to-use Client Configuration Utility and include it...
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