Web Atoms 1.6.239

Released: Sep 9, 2021

Aggiornamenti in 1.6.239


  • New Platforms - Added support for the following new platforms:
    • UWP - Universal Windows Platform
    • Apple macOS
    • Tizen - * Community Support
    • GTK - * Community Support
      • Xamarin does not support these platforms officially, however Web Atoms will support them as much as they can provided the bug/update is part of Web Atoms framework.
  • Added a new JavaScript Engine - A new JavaScript Engine: YantraJS has been written specifically for Web Atoms, this engine is written in C#, so it can run anywhere where C# is supported, except Apple iOS as it does not allow loading of dynamic types.
  • Added new Controls:
    • AtomButtonBar - A native button bar.
    • AtomCalendar - Calendar control to host date items.
    • AtomDateField - A selectable date field built on top of AtomCalendar.
    • AtomChoiceView - A simple dropdown with the ability to search and choose.
    • AtomChips - Multiple list items, editable and searchable.
  • Added new Console Debugging Hints:
    • bridge.root, while in debugger console, you can type bridge.root to inspect UI hierarchy.
    • You can also use bridge.root in Safari developer tools (Requires Mac).
  • Added a new code Generator - Released source code for TypeScript definition generator from dll, which you can use to generate source code of your custom UI Elements.
  • UWP Sample - Added UWP samples in xf-samples repository.
  • AtomPopup - Added new AtomPopup class which lets you create easy popups attached to any element. (Requires Grid in root of Page). You have to set PopupTemplate and DisplayPopup attached properties. Popup will be created and displayed as long as DisplayPopup is set to true.
  • IJSContext.CreateBoundFunction - Introducing the IJSContext.CreateBoundFunction method, in which a delegate receives this parameter. In iOS, this function requires two steps, so you should use IJSContext.CreateBoundFunction for faster execution. On other platforms it does not matter which one do you use.