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ReSharper is an intelligent add-in for Visual Studio. It comes equipped with a rich set of features including intelligent coding assistance, on-the-fly error highlighting and quick error correction. ReSharper also supports code refactoring, unit testing, navigation and search.
The ReSharper 2024.1 release brings improved support for managing resources in asynchronous programming. The new [MustDisposeResource]
annotation ensures that resources are properly cleaned up after use in async methods, helping to prevent resource leaks. This version also enhances the tool's ability to analyze code, making sure that resources used in various async operations are disposed of correctly. This makes it easier to maintain clean and efficient code in complex software projects.
To see a full list of what's new in version 2024.1, see our release notes.
ReSharper is licensed per user, and is available as a commercial annual subscription license. We can supply new subscriptions, subscription renewals (including continuity discounts), lapsed renewals, and additional user licenses. See our ReSharper licensing page for full details.
For more information, visit our ReSharper product page.