Express Grid Pack 16.1.3

Includes several enhancements to ExpressQuantumGrid, ExpressSpreadSheet & ExpressEditors.
8월 9, 2016
신규 버전


ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Export to HTML, XLS, XLSX, or XML - Improve performance when exporting grid data only, without layout information.


  • Add the capability to override built-in functions.
  • Add the capability to protect individual worksheets and/or a workbook structure from accidental changes.

ExpressEditors Library

  • TcxButton - Add the capability to repeatedly raise the OnClick event while holding down the mouse button over a button being clicked.


ExpressLayout Control

  • Import - The size of non-container controls is modified on linking them with layout items.
  • Switching the Touch mode doesn't scale the expand button and action buttons displayed by layout groups.
  • The OnTabChanged event is not fired when a tab is closed.

ExpressEditors Library

  • All DevExpress editors - Custom Styles.Font settings are replaced with the parent control's font settings at high DPI settings (more than 96) in an application built with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.
  • cxComboBox - The editor's dropdown window is shown with a delay in Windows 10.
  • TcxTimeEdit - A NULL value cannot be assigned to the EditValue property at design time.
  • TdxCameraControl - Deactivating an application doesn't close the currently open Settings popup menu.
  • TdxCameraControl - The memory footprint constantly increases on switching camera resolutions in the Settings popup menu.
  • The TcxDBEditDataBinding.SetStoredValue procedure applies a workaround to the VarToBcd issue when compiling in RAD Studio XE2 or later (in which it was fixed).
  • Touch support - The drop-down list's content cannot be panned in TcxCustomComboBox descendants.


  • In certain cases, memory leaks when a form containing DevExpress editors is destroyed immediately after creation.
  • TcxButton - The drop-down button is incorrectly scaled at high DPI settings (more than 96) if the Kind property is set to cxbkDropDownButton.
  • TdxCalloutPopup - An AV occurs on displaying a TCustomForm descendant embedded to a callout popup.

ExpressPivotGrid Suite

  • Refreshing the pivot grid shuffles rows/columns of a field whose values are sorted by summary values.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Banded Table View - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs on pressing the Tab or Enter key while a cell is focused in the rightmost column and the View's OptionsBehavior.FocusCellOnCycle property is set to False.
  • Changes to the scxGridFindPanelInfoText resource string are not immediately applied to an empty Find box if the Find Panel is currently displayed.
  • Export - A column's GroupSummaryAlignment property setting is ignored.
  • In Grid mode, errors occur on scrolling a grid View and displaying a modal dialog in the bound dataset's BeforePost event handler.
  • Master-Detail - The Find Panel does not display the Find box in detail Views whose FindPanel.DisplayMode is set to fpdmAlways.
  • Table View and Banded Table View - Group summaries and their separators are incorrectly aligned with corresponding columns if the View's OptionsView.GroupSummaryLayout property is set to gslAlignWithColumnsAndDistribute.
  • Table View and descendants - Filter Row or New Item Row is not editable if View's OptionsBehavior.FixedGroups and OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode properties are set to True and rsmByPixel, respectively.
  • The "List index out of bounds (-1)" error occurs on panning an empty grid View in Touch mode.


  • A type conversion error occurs as a result of copying a cell containing an error formula expression result to the clipboard.
  • An AV occurs on invoking the "Find and Replace" dialog after destroying the Spreadsheet control in which this dialog was invoked for the first time.
  • An AV occurs when a spreadsheet is being exported to the XLSX file format if the first rule in a list of conditional formatting rules is applied to the A1 cell.
  • Bounds of a floating picture container anchored to a single cell are incorrectly saved to the XLS file format.
  • Export/Import to/from XLSX - The spreadsheet control's OptionsView.HorizontalScrollBar, OptionsView.VerticalScrollBar, and PageControl.Visible property values and a worksheet's Options.Header property value are not exported/imported.
  • In certain cases, not all conditional formatting rule styles are imported from XLS files.
  • Outlines (groups) are expanded/collapsed very slowly.
  • Pressing the Shift+Del key combination several times causes the "Cannot open clipboard: Access is denied" error.
  • The "Find and Replace" dialog freezes an application if the replacement string ends with the search string.
  • The "Unresolved external link" error occurs if the control is compiled by C++Builder XE2 without runtime packages.
  • The height of border line style examples in the Format Cells dialog is not affected by the current DPI.
  • The selection is not restored on loading XLSX documents.
  • The SUMIF and AVERAGEIF functions do not accept column and row references as an optional parameter.
  • The TdxSpreadSheetUnhideRows and TdxSpreadSheetUnhideColumns actions create redundant row/column objects.
  • Thin, medium, thick, and medium dash-dot-dot cell borders are incorrectly copied/pasted from/to Microsoft Excel using the clipboard.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • In certain cases, the grid navigator's information panel displays incorrect record data in Grid mode if a bound dataset supports sequence numbers.

Installation (VCL)

  • Certain Data and Tag properties are not 64-bit compatible.
  • Documentation - Clicking cross-product links in CHM help files does not navigate to corresponding topics.
Express Grid Pack.


광범위한 그리드, 인쇄, 피벗 테이블, 트리 목록(tree list), 레이아웃 및 스키닝(skinning) 기능을 Delphi 및 C++Builder 애플리케이션에 추가할 수 있습니다.

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