B4i (iOS) v3.00

IDE 개선사항 및  iOS 10, Xcode 8 및 Mac Sierra 서포트를 위한 다른 개선사항을 포함합니다.
11월 16, 2016
신규 버전


  • The docking and layout features are based on a new and improved framework. Floating code editors behave as regular windows.
  • Documentation tool tips while hovering over code elements.
  • Copy links in the tool tips that allow copying code examples.
  • Support for bookmarks.
  • New themes.
  • Keychain handling was updated as required by Mac Sierra to allow non-intrusive deployments.
  • URLs in comments and strings are ctrl-clickable.
  • Unused libraries warning.
  • Custom views support "nullable colors".
  • #Entitlement attribute. Adds a declaration to the entitlement file. This is a new requirement. Push notifications will not work on iOS 10 without this declaration.
  • #AdditionalLib - Similar to B4A #AdditionalJar attribute. Adds a reference to an external library. Note that third party libraries should be in the builder Libs folder.
  • iAdMob - Support for mediation and rewarded video ads.
B4i (iOS)

B4i (iOS)

네이티브 iOS 애플리케이션 개발을 위한 강력한 신속한 응용프로그램 개발 (RAD) 툴.

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