ScriptCase 8.1.054

모든 샘플 시스템이 개선 사항 및 새로운 레이아웃과 함께 업데이트 되었습니다.
12월 6, 2016
신규 버전


  • All sample systems updated, with improvements and a new layout.


  • Fixed issue when creating a button, if the focus was on the "name" field and the "Enter" key was pressed. The frame was loaded without the button.
  • Fixed issue in required field validation on Double Select field type.
  • Fixed problem in the fields alignment when using the sc_field_color macro.
  • Fixed issue in the Control application, if the field of application was set as required and the option "show mobile version" was clicked. The mandatory field message was being improperly displayed.


PHP Web 개발 툴.

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