DevExpress VCL Subscription 16.2.4

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3월 7, 2017
신규 버전


ExpressBars Suite

  • A bar item link's ViewLayout property value is not stored/restored to/from an INI file.
  • MDIForm - Backstageview Tab order issue.
  • TdxBar Toolbar - Images truncated in customize popup.
  • TdxBarApplicationMenu - An AV occurs on closing a form after destroying its bar manager.
  • Toolbars not drawing propery when redocked.


  • Server Mode - Filter conditions built with the Contains, NotContains, BeginsWith, and EndsWith comparison operators are incorrectly applied by the Advantage, Microsoft Access, MySQL, or PostgreSQL adapter.
  • Server Mode - The "List index of bounds (-1)" exception occurs on inserting or appending a record when records are grouped and all of them are currently filtered out.

ExpressDocking Library

  •  Dragging a floating dock panel over a dock site creates taskbar buttons.

ExpressEditors Library

  • cxDateEdit - Day numbers painted in bold are cropped for certain fonts if the Properties.View property is set to cavClassic.
  • cxImage - v16.2 doesn't start animation of animated GIF images.
  • Data-aware editors - Cancelling editor's editing via a DBNavigator does not hide an error icon.
  • dxTokenEdit - The editor doesn't support spell checking provided by the TdxSpellChecker component.
  • Exception in TcxBaseInnerListView.WndProc.
  • Screen tip repository preview does not size correctly.
  • TdxDBTokenEdit - The editor bound to a TMemoField field displays "(MEMO)" when focused.
  • TdxImageSlider - Memory leaks on displaying JPEG images (TJPEGImage type) from a linked TcxImageCollection component.
  • TdxRangeControl - The "Range is Empty" message, which indicates that either the ClientProperties property is not assigned or the selectable range is empty, cannot be localized.

ExpressExport Library

  • ExportGridToHTML does not correctly wrap lines.

ExpressGDI+ Library

  • TdxSmartImage - The Resize method called to downscale an image doesn't free unused memory.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Access Violation with Layoutcontrol in DLL.

ExpressMap Control

  • Text of custom elements (TdxMapCustomElement objects) is cropped if their StyleHot.Font.Style option set includes fsBold while the Style.Font.Style option set doesn't.


  • Removing the currently active group doesn't fire the OnActiveGroupChanging event.
  • Right click no TdxNavBar doesn´t work anymore.


  • An AV occurs on applying the predefined encoding to CID Type 2 fonts.
  • PDF Viewer smudges when zooming in and out.

ExpressPivotGrid Suite

  • The "Sorting by Summary" feature cannot be applied to a column/row whose grouping value is zero.

ExpressPrinting System

  • Export to PDF - Certain image areas blend with the background.
  • PDF Viewer Report Link - A document is printed in color if the "Print using gray shading" option is set.
  • PDF Viewer Report Link - The Print function returns False if the Print button is clicked in the Print dialog.
  • The customdxcomponentprinters settings dialogs () are hidden behind the preview dialog.
  • The dxGetDefaultPrinter global function declared in the dxPrnDev unit returns an incorrect name of the default printer.

ExpressQuantumGrid Suite

  • Clicking the View's vertical scrollbar shaft displayed above the thumb doesn't scroll the content if the first grid row is partially displayed and the View's OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode property is set to rsmByPixel.
  • Master-Detail - A dataset bound to the master View is closed slowly if the View's DataController.KeyFieldNames property is assigned and the dcoSaveExpanding flag is not set in the View's DataController.Options property.
  • Master-Detail - An AV occurs on recursively expanding records within the data controller's BeginFullUpdate/EndFullUpdate method blocks if the View's OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode property is set to rsmByPixel.
  • Master-Detail - Calling the MakeVisible procedure for a record located in a detail View whose OptionsBehavior.RecordScrollMode property is set to rsmByPixel doesn't bring the record into view.
  • Server Mode - Errors occur on sorting grouped rows or expanding group rows that are filtered by the Find Panel's search criteria.

ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite

  • Switching a node's CheckGroupType property value from/to ncgNone doesn't immediately repaint a check box or radio button used to indicate the node's checked state.
  • TcxTreeList - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs on calculating the checked state of nodes that contain a number of child nodes whose CheckGroupType property is set to ncgNone.
  • With certain display options, resizing a column hides the last word in a cell that displays the longest text line without wrapping the cell's text if the OptionsView.CellAutoHeight properties is set to True.

ExpressRichEdit Control

  •  An AV occurs on creating a nested table.
  • Incorrect LineBreak in PrintPreview and PDF Export.
  • Renfrew font does not work in RichEditControl.
  • Some string sources are not available in Localizer Editor for Rich Edit control.
  • TdxBarPopupMenu assigned as a popup menu cannot be invoked.

ExpressScheduler Suite

  • An AV occurs on invoking the context menu using the keyboard while the mouse pointer is located outside the control's bounds.
  • Gantt View and TimeGrid View - Decreasing the scheduler's height causes the "Scrollbar property out of range" exception if the View's ShowResourceScrollBar property is set to True and the linked storage contains no resources.

ExpressSkins Library

  • Form - Content and child windows flicker on form sizing.


  • Documentation - List supported ExpressEditors in the "Supported DevExpress Text-Editing Controls" topic.


  • Access Violation after loading excel from file when CellAutoHeight = True.
  • Certain cell background styles are incorrectly loaded from XLSX documents.
  • General format cells saved to an XLS file are set to use an incorrect data format.
  • Loading spreadsheet produces "Invalid operation in GDI+ (Code: 16)" error.
  • The "Duplicates not allowed" error occurs on pasting cells from Excel using the clipboard in certain cases.

ExpressVerticalGrid Suite

  • TcxDBVerticalGrid - Clicking the embedded navigator's buttons does nothing after the bound dataset has been raised an exception on data validation.
  • TcxRTTIInspector - TStrings property editors display incorrect values.
DevExpress VCL Subscription

DevExpress VCL Subscription

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