Infragistics Ultimate UI for Window Forms 17.1

새로운 Ultra Radio Button, Geographic Map 및 Peek Pop-Up 컴포넌트를 추가합니다.
6월 26, 2017
신규 버전


  • New Ultra Radio Button - A selectable button linked to other radio buttons in a group. Its defining characteristic is that only one radio button in a group can be selected at one time. When a radio button is selected, all others within the group are automatically deselected. This is useful in scenarios where a choice must be made among mutually exclusive options.
  • Geographic Map - Allows you to display geographic locations or geospatial data loaded from shape files on geographic imagery maps.
  • Peek Pop-Up - Originally only available as an extension of the Outlook Navigation Bar, the Peep Pop-up control is now available as a standalone drop-down control to offer a more modern user experience.
Peek Pop-Up component.

Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms

100개 이상의 Windows Forms UI 컨트롤 세트를 통해 우수한 환경을 제공하는 디자인이 가능한 사용자 인터페이스를 신속하게 빌드 할 수 있습니다.

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