ExpressNavigationPack 17.1.4

최신 유지 보수 릴리스는 ExpressBars Suite, ExpressNavBar 및 레이아웃 컨트롤에 대한 수정사항을 포함합니다.
7월 19, 2017
신규 버전


ExpressBars Suite

  • Instances of TdxBarCustomPopupComponent class descendants ignore their bar manager's Scaled property.
  • Pressing a key freezes an application after expanding a submenu and moving focus to a TdxBarControlContainerItem control's embedded control.
  • TcxBarEditItem - An action is assigned to the item's in-place editor when the editor is activated.
  • The TdxRibbon control when shown in "Auto-hide Ribbon" mode is partially overlapped by the application form's MDI child window area, provided that the form has no other TWinControl-derived controls.


  • Add support for per-monitor DPI awareness v1.

ExpressLayout Control

  • Implement the translation mode for layout element captions.


귀하의 VCL 애플리케이션에 Ribbon, 툴바, 레이아웃 및 스키닝 기능을 추가합니다.

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