Actipro WPF Essentials 2017.2

Docking, Editors 및 Ribbon 컨트롤을 향상시킵니다.
8월 4, 2017
신규 버전



  • Added the DockingWindow.IsFloating property, which supports data-binding and indicates if the docking window is open in a floating DockHost.
  • Updated the DockSite.WindowDefaultLocationRequested event with a new ShouldFloat property on the event arguments.
  • Refactored logic that leaves breadcrumbs and added float ability to restore to floating breadcrumbs.
  • Updated maximized standard MDI windows to remove flicker when a new primary document is set.
  • Updated the tool window container template to better support top-aligned tabs.


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox control that allows text entry and provides suggestions for auto-completion. This kind of control is ideal for use in search query and quick launch kinds of scenarios.
  • Added a new QuickStart to showcase the AutoCompleteBox control.
  • Updated date selection in a DateEditBox's popup calendar to close the popup.
  • Updated EnumEditBox used in PropertyGrid to automatically pass the enumeration type in, which is useful when multiple data objects of the same type are being edited.
  • Added the CanReuseBrush property to BrushEditBox, BrushPicker, and GradientStopSlider, which can be set to false to create a new brush instance on any update. This is needed when binding to values using value converters.


  • Improved RibbonWindow title area display for certain themes in high DPI.



  • Fixed a bug where executing the Dock command from a floating tool window wasn't always working.


  • Fixed a bug where clicking the Today button on a MonthCalendar with CanRetainTime set would clear the time.


  • Fixed a bug where when using RibbonWindow and switching app themes to Classic and back, the QAT and contextual tab groups wouldn't be aligned properly.
Actipro WPF Essentials

Actipro WPF Essentials

WPF를 위한 프로페셔널 유저 인터페이스 컨트롤 및 컴포넌트 세트.

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