Aspose.Tasks for .NET V17.8

Rate Scale의 MSP 2013+ 파일 읽기 및 쓰기 서포트를 추가합니다.
9월 5, 2017
신규 버전


  • Added support for Rate Scale reading and writing of MSP 2013+ files.


  • TasksReadingException while using MspDbSettings.
  • Error on adding a resource with 0 units to a parent task.
  • ActualFinish of a zero-day milestone task not set properly.
  • MPP with Subproject File causes exception while loading into project.
  • Wrong percent complete in MPP as compared to XML output.
  • Fix difference in Task duration in MSP 2010 and 2013.
  • MPP to XLSX: Resultant file doesn't contain any data.
  • ExtendedAttribute Lookup values mixed up for the same task.
  • Lookup extended attribute with CustomFieldType.Duration can't be saved along with other lookup attributes.
  • Custom field with Cost type and lookup can't be saved to MPP.
  • Tsk.ActualDuration and Tsk.PercentComplete are not calculated after setting of Assn.ActualWork property.
  • Unassigned resource assignment work rendered as 0h.
Aspose.Tasks for .NET

Aspose.Tasks for .NET

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