MadCap Central October 2017 Release

커스터마이징이 가능한 새로운 프로젝트 체크리스트가 특정-프로젝트 활동 및 진행 상황을 추적합니다.
10월 17, 2017
신규 버전


  • Customizable Project Checklists to Track Project-Specific Activities and Progress - Eliminate spreadsheets and other non-integrated project management applications by tracking and managing your MadCap Flare project workflow with Project Checklists.
    • Create a Project Files Checklist: Project file checklists are automatically associated to specific files (e.g., topics, snippets, master pages) in your project. Custom columns can be added for any number of specific types of activity you want to track, such as “Subject Matter Expert Review” and “Add to TOC,” as well as an optional Note column to include any additional details required for the checklist item.
    • Create a Custom Checklist: Custom checklists can be created for anything you would like to track and manage, such as a product release “To Do” lists.
    • Track Your Progress: Set the appropriate status on each item as you work, and chart the percentage of completion as you work through your checklist.
  • Update Team Members and Managers: Share your progress with teams and managers and display widgets on your Home and Project dashboard.
  • Unlimited Concurrent Live Builds Per Target Using Vanity URL Paths - Create custom vanity URL paths for each target, or for each build, and set any number of outputs to the “Live” status.
  • Private URLs for Internal Reviews and More - A new private URL is automatically generated for each build, making it easy to share your generated output internally for review. Only users who are registered on your MadCap Central license can access this URL.
  • Exclude Live Builds from Search Engines - For each build that you set to “Live,” you now have the option to prevent the output from being visible in search engines.
  • Project Linking via Global Project Linking, Runtime Merging, and Multilingual Output - Links to external MadCap Flare projects–via Global Project Linking, runtime merging of projects, and multilingual output–are now supported when building your output.
New customizable project checklists.

MadCap Central

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