SQL Comparison Bundle v13.1.x

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11월 6, 2017
신규 버전


  • Improved logging capabilities
  • SQL Compare now generates a new style of HTML report, to match the reports produced by other Redgate products.


  • SC-9781: SQL Compare can deploy temporal tables from a scripts folder to a live database.
  • SC-8880: Scripts folders can now be in the root of a drive (as long as it is otherwise empty)
  • SC-9775: On the command-line, in the absence of a -reporttype switch, SQL Compare now correctly uses the -report switch to infer the report type, based on the report file name extension. Supported extensions are htmlhtmxls and xml.
  • SC-9755: Deployment scripts are no longer saved with a double .sql extension.
  • SC-9659: SQL Compare no longer tries to refresh schema bound views when deploying a change to an XML schema collection.
SQL Comparison Bundle

SQL Comparison Bundle

SQL 데이터베이스 스키마와 컨텐츠를 비교, 동기화 및 패키지하고 데이터베이스 및 데이터베이스간(cross-database) 개체 종속성을 추적합니다.

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