DevExpress ASP.NET 17.1.8

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11월 10, 2017
신규 버전


ASP.NET Web Forms

All ASP.NET Controls

  • An exception occurs when the Value property is initialized and the ItemRequestedByValue method returns not an IEnumerable-type object.


  • ASPxComboBox - A decimal value is incorrectly posted when the Spanish culture is used.
  • ASPxSpinEdit - The display format is not applied if text is set by using ASPxSpinEdit.SetText.
  • ASPxTrackBar - Material Theme - The track bar width is always more than its container width.


  • Accessibility - Focus is lost after the context menu is closed by the Escape key.
  • The "Cannot read property 'id' of null" error occurs on editing a cell in Batch Edit mode if KeyboardSupport is set to true and the grid has a band column with nested columns.
  • The ASPxGridViewCommandButtonEventArgs.IsEditingRow property in the CommandButtonInitialize event handler is always false.
  • The Clear Filter context menu item is not visible when the filter is applied to a column and the filter row is hidden by the context menu item.
  • The Column Chooser is shown incorrectly if the Metropolis theme is used.
  • The GridViewToolbarItem.ClientVisible property can't be changed on a grid's callback.
  • Batch Edit - A combobox column's SelectedIndexChanged event is raised every time the editing ends in Native mode.


  • A validation error appears in the disabled editor with the enabled required validation on the ASPxClientEdit.ValidateGroup method call.
  • After html content is copied from Edge to an ASPxHtmlEditor page opened in Chrome, e.Html is empty in the ASPxHtmlEditor.HtmlCorrecting event handler.
  • Text underline is not working when the document type is HTML5 and a whitelist is used.


  • Font settings are applied incorrectly when the Youthful theme is used.
  • ASPxPivotGrid enters into the infinite callback loop during Virtual Scrolling.
  • The FieldAreaChanged event is not raised if a field is moved before a data field.

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • A visible DayView interval is not re-calculated after changing the DayView.WorkTime property value when the ShowWorkTimeOnly option is enabled.
  • AppointmentDoubleClick is not raised after the View context menu is invoked.
  • The "JavaScript runtime error: Incorrect function" error occurs while dragging a recurring series in the TimeLine view.
  • The appointment subject is hidden if the appointment height is small and the start and end times are displayed.


  • Space between rows is lost on pasting from Notepad++.
  • The "Cannot read property 'cellEditable' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to insert rows copied from Excel in a document.

Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls

  • ASPxCardView - Captions and items are aligned incorrectly when the font size is increased.
  • ASPxDockPanel - If ASPxDateEdit is placed in ASPxDockPanel, ASPxDateEdit's drop-down control is covered by another ASPxDockPanel.
  • ASPxPageControl - Hiding tabs by setting ClientVisible to the false value does not work as expected in multi-row mode.
  • ASPxPager - Accessibility - The Previous button is not focusable if the first page is opened.
  • ASPxPopupControl - It is not possible to scroll content defined via the ContentUrl property.
  • ASPxRibbon - An exception occurs if the active tab with the index stored in cookies doesn't exist.
  • RichEdit - A client-side error occurs when the ribbon is minimized.

XtraCharts Suite

  • The Crosshair Cursor always displays information about the first point if a series is bound to the secondary X axis.
  • Web - The Crosshair label format does not take the current application culture settings into account.
  • WebChartControl does not display ToolTipHint provided in the CustomDrawSeriesPoint event handler.

XtraReports Suite

  • ASPxWebDocumentViewer - It is impossible to hide the Search button when MobileMode is active.


MVC Data Editors

  • DateEdit - It's not possible to select a date in DateEdit located in a partial view loaded to the page by using $.post after a callback.

MVC GridView

  • ComboBox used in the filter row throws a JS error when it is cleared.
  • Incorrect order of columns in the Group Panel after re-ordering them by using drag and drop.
  • The header filter popup right border is missing in the BlackGlass and Youthful themes.
  • It's not possible to use DevExtreme MVC controls inside the template of the callback aware MVC extension.

MVC HtmlEditor

  • HtmlEditor - Selection is rendered over a dialog window in IE.

MVC Report

  • Filter Editor doesn't contain the 'Contains' operator if a query alias is specified in Query Builder.
  • Web Chart Designer - It is not possible to configure a Diagram element after the SeriesDataMember property was specified.
  • Web Dashboard cannot validate an expression if it contains a field with the parenthesis "( )", slash "/" and dot "." signs in its name.
  • Web Report Designer - CalculatedField does not show in a Chart's ValueDataMember selection.
  • Web Report Designer - Expression Editor validation fails if the field's display name contains a space character.
  • Web Report Designer - Look-up parameter value reordering duplicates data.
  • Web Report Designer - XRChart control's Pallete Name and Appearance Name properties disappeared from Property Grid after upgrading.
  • Web Report Designer -  Report Explorer doesn't refresh property data upon choosing a different Formatting Rule from the drop-down list.

MVC RichEdit

  • RichEdit - The "Cannot read property 'flags' of undefined" error occurs on an attempt to open a document.

MVC Scheduler

  • Click events stop firing after the scheduler control has been right-clicked.
  • The Day/WorkWeek/FullWeek isn't scrolled when an appointment is dragged or resized outside the currently visible interval and the ScrollAreaHeight property is set to the predefined value for the view.

MVC Spreadsheet

  • Data is not loaded on scrolling if the ribbon is minimized.

ASP.NET Bootstrap

Bootstrap Charts

  • BootstrapChart located in the BootstrapPageControl tab is not resized correctly after a chart placed in another tab is exported.

Bootstrap Data Editors

  • Bootstrap Date Editors - An editor input wrapped in the form-group-sm container has unnecessary paddings.
  • BootstrapSpinEdit - The Out of Range warning has an incorrect position when the editor is inside the input-group.

Bootstrap GridView

  • Allow users to subscribe to the BootstrapGridView.BatchUpdate event.
  • Bootstrap Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls.
  • BootstrapComboBox - Performance issues when the editor is bound to large dataset and the callback mode is enabled.
DevExpress ASP.NET

DevExpress ASP.NET and Blazor

하나의 패키지에 DevExpress가 생성한 모든 수상 경력에 빛나는 ASP.NET, MVC, ASP.NET Core 및 ASP.NET Bootstrap 및 Blazor 컴포넌트 제품군, 라이브러리 및 확장을 제공합니다.

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