ReSharper C++ 2017.3

람다(lambdas)를 위한 구조적 바인딩 선언, 인라인 변수 및 형식 검사를 추가합니다.
12월 21, 2017
신규 버전


  • Debugger features - Local variables, function parameters, current line expressions and function return values are now displayed inline right next to the corresponding code. In addition, ReSharper C++ comes with the new Go to Breakpoint action (Ctrl+Alt+F9) and the R# Breakpoints tool window for quick navigation between breakpoints in the solution, as well as the ability to create breakpoints and tracepoints from the Find Results tool window. ReSharper C++ also provides its own debugger DataTips with the ability to search inside them for a specific value.
  • Clang-Tidy integration - ReSharper C++ 2017.3 provides seamless integration with Clang-Tidy. It works in the background as you edit your code, with inspection results shown on-the-fly in the code editor along with built-in inspections. ReSharper C++ also lets you apply the fixes provided by Clang-Tidy individually, as scope actions, or from Code Cleanup.
  • Language understanding - Several C++17 and C++14 features now supported:
    • C++17 structured binding declarations.
    • C++17 inline variables.
    • C++17 constexpr if statements.
    • Deduction of return type for auto functions without trailing return type from C++14.
    • Type checking and return type deduction for lambda expressions, including support for C++14 generic lambdas.
    • Support for include_alias pragma directives.
    • Improved handling of explicit template instantiations.
    • Support for the event handling Microsoft C++ extension.
  • Code inspections and context actions - ReSharper C++ 2017.3 comes with a set of new code inspections with accompanying fixes:
    • Binary operator with identical or equal arguments.
    • Redefinition of a default function argument from another declaration or a base function.
    • Redundant const specifier on a parameter in a function declaration.
    • Missing function parameter description in a documentation comment.
    • Redundant member initializer in a member initializer list.
    • Non-inline variable definition in a header file.
    • User-defined literal suffix that does not start with an underscore.
    • Detailed diagnostics about errors in structured binding declarations.
    • Convert a member initializer in a member initializer list into a non-static data member initializer.
    • Switch between class and typename keywords in a type template parameter declaration.
  • Code formatting - Formatter can now be enabled/disabled from comments and configured using inline EditorConfig-style settings. It also adds a number of new options for more flexible formatting, including options that control:
    • Multiline code formatting.
    • Aligning code in columns for assignments, declarations, and single-line comments.
    • Outdenting commas and member access operators in chained method calls.
    • Spaces before/after commas in uniform initialization braces and before end of line comments.
  • Go to Declaration improvements - The Go to Declaration command is now available on dependent names inside definitions of templates. Furthermore, Go to Declaration now lets you navigate from a function definition to a declaration with a non-matching signature, if no matching declarations are found.
  • Performance Guide - ReSharper Performance Guide collects a set of Visual Studio and ReSharper settings that might affect overall performance in one place and provides a way to quickly change them.
  • Other changes
    • Catch2, the latest version of the popular Catch unit testing framework, is supported.
    • To-do items support linking to external resources.
    • Redesigned preview pane in ReSharper tool windows and formatter options pages.
    • Find Usages window supports multi-line occurrences.
    • Search Everywhere always shows text matches, even when there are other results.
ReSharper Performance Guide.

ReSharper C++

C++ 개발을 위한 Visual Studio 확장.

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