IDM All Access - UltraFTP v18.00

UltraFTP는 더욱 빠른 업로드/다운로드 속도를 위해 새로운 병렬, 스레드 (parallel, threaded) 전송을 추가합니다.
2월 9, 2018
신규 버전


Updates in UltraFTP v18.00

  • Parallel, threaded transfers for significantly faster upload / download speeds.
    • Architectural redesign to optimize transfers of multiple items via multiple threads.
    • Transfers of larger number of files at once now complete in a fraction of the time.
    • In some tests, UltraFTP completed transfers in 25% of the time of other leading FTP clients.
  • Copy path / Copy URL.
    • "Copy path" allows you to copy the path to the selected file / folder on the server.
    • "Copy URL" allows you to copy the HTTP(S) link to the file / folder.
    • Define HTTP(S) site and root path (optional) in account settings (Advanced tab).
  • New option (account settings) to preserve file's original date and timestamp when transferring.
  • Threaded delete of multiple items to allow interaction with server while delete is processing.
  • New "Bytes transferred" column in Transfer Details window.
  • New status bar notification to indicate when transfers are still in progress.
  • Widescreen and remote only modes now apply globally (not just per-session).
  • Added keyboard support for F5 to refresh and F2 to rename files.
  • Added support for opening context menu via keyboard.
UltraFTP - Faster upload / download speed.

UltraEdit All Access

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