Rebex Time for .NET 2018 R1.1

.NET Core on Linux 지원을 추가합니다.
5월 11, 2018
신규 버전


  • All: Added support for .NET Core on Linux.
  • Cryptography: Enhanced error message when trying to use signing-only RSA certificate for decryption.
  • Cryptography: Added CertificateEngine.BuildChain(Certificate) method.
  • Cryptography: Current CertificateEngine's BuildChain method is now used in CMS (PKCS #7) SignedData and EnvelopedData.
  • Cryptography: Added Certificate.Tag property to make it possible to associate custom objects with a particular Certificate instance.
  • Cryptography: Enhanced logging in built-in custom certificate validator on .NET Compact Framework.


  • Cryptography: Fixed private key exporting on .NET Core on Linux.
  • Cryptography: Fixed retrieval of certificate with bound keys from store on .NET Core on Linux.
  • Cryptography: Fixed possible NullReferenceException in built-in custom certificate validator on .NET Compact Framework. Could occur using CRL validation.
  • Cryptography: Fixed DSAManaged.ExportParameter method that failed to export parameters with missing Seed.
Rebex Time for .NET

Rebex Time for .NET

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