CodeRush 18.2.6

이제 String.Format을 위한 IntelliSense를 제공하며 보간된 문자열 형식 아이템을 제공 합니다.
1월 17, 2019
신규 버전


  • String Format Assistant - CodeRush now provides IntelliSense for the String.Format and interpolated string format items. This feature is available in C# and Visual Basic. Format specifier IntelliSense appears automatically when the caret is in the format item portion of the string (for example, “{0}”, “{1}”, etc.) and you type the “:” character, or if you press the default Visual Studio IntelliSense shortcut, Ctrl+Space. After you selected a format specifier, you can insert it into your code with the Enter key. If you continue to type format specifiers, CodeRush will filter the list to only include items containing the typed characters.
  • Update Notification Window - The new “Update Notification” window alerts you when a new version of CodeRush has been installed, and also highlights features included in this update.


  • Static Code Analysis - CRRSP01: A misspelled word has been found - False positive with interpolated strings using a format string.
  • Spell Checker - The “SpellCheckerCodeFixProvider encountered an error and has been disabled.” error occurs after correcting a misspelled word in the comments section.
  • Region Painting - Regions are rendered incorrectly after horizontal scrolling.
  • Region Painting - Region lines are rendered with different length.
  • Region Painting - The caret can be placed in the middle of the painted region after moving between code lines.
String Format Assistant


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