TeeChart for Visual Studio .NET with Source v2019

데스크탑, 웹 및 모바일을 위한 풀 인터랙티브 Charts, Maps 및 Gauges.
2월 13, 2019
신규 버전


  • ActivityGauge series throws unhandled errors at designtime when opening a form.
  • Export Series Marks Style and Format to missing from JavaScript.
  • Colors are always exported with transparency to JavaScript.
  • Export NewLines (\r\n) in Labels to JavaScript.
  • Export HorizBar Gradient to JavaScript.
  • Some shadows and pens/strokes aren't exported to JavaScript.
  • Arrow Marks aren't exported to JavaScript.
  • Improve Bar and CustomBar export to JavaScript.
  • Disable "hover" when exporting to JavaScript.
TeeChart for Visual Studio .NET with Source

TeeChart for Visual Studio .NET with Source

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Steema Software 사 제품 라이선스 담당자와 라이브 채팅