ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core v2.3.0

이제 nosniff를 지원하도록 HTTP-Post에서 Content-Type 헤더를 포함 합니다.
2월 25, 2019
신규 버전


  • Move example projects to ASP.NET Core 2.2.
  • Include the Content-Type header in HTTP-Post to support nosniff.
  • Move the JavaScript to after the HTML body for HTTP-Post to support older browsers.
  • In the SAML authentication handler, automatically change the base path of the external login callback redirect URL to match the case of the assertion consumer service URL to ensure the browser sends the Identity.External cookie.
  • Add base path support to the SAML authentication handler and middleware.
  • Include the authn context and partner name in the authentication properties returned by the SAML authentication handler.
ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core

ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core

SAML v2.0 어설션, 프로토콜, 바인딩 및 프로파일을 구현합니다.

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