Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms 19.2

.NET Core 3 용 지원을 추가합니다.
11월 20, 2019
신규 버전


.NET Core 3 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

  • Now includes full support for .NET Core 3 in Windows Forms. This allows Visual Studio developers to leverage the most modern .NET capabilities for web, rich client, IoT, artificial intelligence and machine learning apps. From a developer perspective, you’ll see immediate improvement in what you can achieve with a smaller, lighter-weight .NET Framework. With Infragistics Ultimate 19.2, you can modernize your web and desktop applications and gain better performance while working with the latest .NET Core CLI tools and SDK-style projects in Visual Studio. Other advantages include the ability to code against the latest C# language features, take advantage of XAML islands, provide side-by-side deployments, and more.
Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms

Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms

100개 이상의 Windows Forms UI 컨트롤 세트를 통해 우수한 환경을 제공하는 디자인이 가능한 사용자 인터페이스를 신속하게 빌드 할 수 있습니다.

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