Rider 2019.3

T4 템플릿, .NET Core용 교차-플랫폼 프로파일러, Unity를 위한 교차-플랫폼 테스트 커버리지를 위한 지원을 추가합니다.
12월 16, 2019
신규 버전


  • Support for T4 templates - Now you can easily execute, process, and debug all your T4 templates in Rider.
    • Feature-rich C# support in code blocks, including code highlighting, navigation, code completion, typing assistance, refactorings, context actions, inspections, formatting, and more.
    • Support for T4-specific features such as inspections, typing assistance, folding, and brace matching.
    • Extensive support for include directives to make resolving C# code as correct as possible.
    • Support for all kinds of directives, including inspections, quick-fixes, code highlighting, navigation, and more.
  • Cross-platform profiler for .NET Core - Now possible to profile .NET Core applications on Linux and macOS using the embedded dotTrace plugin. This means that you can profile any .NET applications on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Test сoverage for Unity - This release introduces cross-platform test coverage and continuous testing for your Unity Edit mode tests.
    • Play mode unit tests are now supported in the Unit Test runner.
    • Rider supports UIElements with syntax highlighting, code completion, and schema validation of UXML and USS files.
    • Support for .asmdef files is back.
    • The project name is shown for Unity Editors when listing processes for debugging.
    • Improved performance parsing assets when the project loads initially.
    • “Clear on play” supported in Rider’s log viewer tool window.
  • Better performance - Rider 2019.3 automatically includes all the performance optimizations that added to the IntelliJ Platform. Here are just a few of the key improvements: startup performance has improved a lot, smooth mouse scrolling, and eliminated a lot of UI freezes.
  • Docker Compose reaches the debugger - Docker Compose support has finally reached the debugger. Now you can debug multi-container Docker applications with the click of a mouse.
  • Edit & Continue becomes even better - Edit & Continue can now apply changes to a running (not suspended) application, and the application does not need to be stopped at a breakpoint. You can apply changes anytime by clicking the “Apply Changes” link on the tooltip at the top of the editor tab.
  • Debugger improvements
  • First of all, the Exceptions tree in the Breakpoints view has had a big update:
    • Search now works on collapsed nodes.
    • Exceptions are grouped by both a type (User/System) and a namespace.
    • The main node has a new name, “CLR Exceptions”.
  • Secondly, Remote Debugging has received a couple of updates:
    • There are now better descriptions and notifications for errors that might occur when you use it.
    • If a password or passphrase for Remote Debugging is not specified, it will prompt you for one when you connect to a remote server.
  • And finally:
    • Lots of debugger actions were given new names that better explain what they do.
    • The “Pin to top” feature supports recursive evaluation.
    • The “Jump to Type Source” action is now available.
    • The “Just my code” option for exception breakpoints works much better on Mono.
  • Updated VCS support - In this release, a new live diff preview opens right in the code editor tab to provide a much better user experience. Also introduced a new Commit tool window, which is shown on the left by default so as to leave more vertical screen space for change lists, commit descriptions, and so on. If you can’t find the Version Control tab on your first launch of Rider 2019.3, don’t worry; it’s still there, but it has a new name: Repository. Besides that, this version improves the “Compare with Current” view, reworked the Clone dialog, and made it possible to push a non-active branch.
  • The AWS Toolkit plugin comes to Rider - This release optimizes the AWS Toolkit plugin for .NET developers and making it compatible with Rider.
    • Use a predefined project template to create a new AWS serverless application.
    • You can create, run, and debug an AWS Lambda locally and remotely. What’s more, you can do all of it right from the editor, using just the gutter icons.
    • You can deploy your Serverless app to AWS.
    • Cloud Debugging support is here! You can debug your cloud .NET Core applications running on Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate directly inside a remote container in a cloud, without any local emulation.
    • The plugin is available for both Rider v2019.2 and v2019.3.
  • Xamarin support
    • Apple devices and simulators now discover better on Macs thanks to integrated JetBrains AppCode components.
    • You can find the list of connected Apple devices on the toolbar.
    • Now supports mtouch (Mono Compiler for iOS) device builds.
    • “Publish Android APK” is available for Xamarin Android projects (look for the “Archive or Publish” action in the context menu for a project).
    • You can edit Android-specific project properties in the Project Properties.
  • Even Better C# 8 support - The new Rider release handles C# 8 even better. It now includes:
    • A better understanding of Nullable Reference types including support for notnull constraints.
    • Target-typed switch expressions.
    • Early support for default interface methods.
    •  A new "Local function can be static" hint with an accompanying quick-fix.
    • A new quick-fix to enable nullable annotations and warnings in a file, project, or all projects in a solution.
    • A new quick-fix to add the EnumeratorCancellation attribute to CancellationToken parameters of async iterators.
  • Code Generation - The Generate action knows more about C# 8 and helps you learn, too, with:
    • A new quick-fix "Add missing arms" to check enum values exhaustively.
    • A new quick-fix and context action to generate type patterns in switch expressions.
    • Nullability being taken into account when generating equality/relational members/comparers.
    • A new Option to use System.HashCode to implement GetHashCode when generating equality members or equality comparers for C# and VB.NET, which will help make your code cleaner.
    • Type Name Hints - They are available for:
    • A lambda’s parameters.
    • All var occurrences, including pattern matching and tuples deconstruction.
    • Range variables inside LINQ statements.
    • At the end of a line in a method call chain.
  • Navigation and Find Usages - Most of us want to know where a particular reference is used in code. For a long time, you could run the “Find dependent code” action on a reference to find all the places where types or type members from that reference appeared. However, there were some limitations. This release eliminateds a couple of them: Find dependent code works for NuGet references, and it can be run for a whole solution instead of just a project.
    • The Quick definition overlay tooltip is available for any symbols in the code editor, allowing you to quickly review a symbol’s definition without leaving the current context.
    • Consuming APIs extends “Navigate to” actions and might be helpful if you want to list all methods that receive objects of a specific type in their parameters.
    • The Find results window for Find dependent code has new filters.
    • You can now navigate to the external sources of NuGet packages that have a source symbols package.
  • Code Style - C# naming settings now support reading from/exporting to EditorConfig. In addition to this huge change, there are several smaller changes that give you more control over the style of your code:
    • For those who prefer to use `var` instead of explicit types only when the type of initializer expression is evident, Rider can now detect the more evident cases. There is also a “compatibility” mode to match the Roslyn behavior.
    • There is a new code style option, which is compatible with StyleCop and Roslyn, to add parentheses that clarify precedence only for a group of operators nested with others from the same group. For example, if you can’t remember whether && or || takes precedence, this option will help you clarify it with parentheses.
    • Comment Code now adds an indent to a comment by default. There’s a new setting to “Place comments at first column when commenting out code” if you want to turn it off.
    • The options pages to set up indentations now display the appropriate notification when the Autodetect indent size and value setting is ON.
    • There is also a notification tooltip explaining the Configure formatting and Autodetect formatting features on the C# formatter options pages.
  • Project model improvements - Rider’s project model now extends any refactorings you make in your web language files, such as TypeScript files, to all your project files. For instance, “moving a TS class to a separate file” updates the corresponding .csproj file with the change. Also improved the UX for the “Not Built” project state in the Solution Explorer.
  • Initial MongoDB support - Rider has added some initial support for MongoDB (read more). Additionally, this release has extended Rider’s database support to the Oracle PL/SQL debugger and added new inspections and warnings, an inline query progress indicator, and an easy way to Google a connection error.
  • Web development
    • Significant improvements in code completion for Vue.js.
    • Quick documentation in Vue.js projects.
    • Better support for props in React components without propTypes.
    • Enhancements in Angular support.
    • Support for TypeScript 3.7 and other improvements in JavaScript/TypeScript support.
    • Several updates in CSS/SASS support.
    • Support for the upcoming Yarn 2 release.
  • Other features
    • Improved Rider’s support for project files (like .csproj files) by making code completion aware of various MSBuild items. You can also use an inspection and a quick-fix for <TargetFramework>/<TargetFrameworks> validation.
    • Generate the predefined run configuration in a smarter way, so that you can run it without any additional movements or adjustments. It also has an appropriate auto-generated name instead of the boring “Default”.
    • More MSBuild properties specified in a launchSettings.json file, such as $(ProjectDir), are now supported.
    • The Parameter Info popup is available for tuples.
    • Typing assists for deleting new lines, and for backspacing before a new line, now leave a space in order to separate tokens, or when this is required by the formatting rules.
    • Identifier highlighting has been completely reworked with a separate page for C#, separate colors for preprocessor directives, static methods, fields, etc.
    • New NUnit inspections cover combinatorial unit tests and individual parameters of parameterized unit tests.
    • The Expand All button is back on the left-hand toolbar.
    • A new reactive TFS client has been released in an experimental mode. To enable it, you just need to open Settings | Version Control | TFVC and turn it ON. This provides a dramatic speed improvement for the "Checking for changes" action (it’s now about 100~1000 times as fast in tests). Many operations, such as Commit and History actions, will be ported to the new client after the initial release.
Support for T4 templates


Windows, Mac 또는 Linux에서 .NET, ASP.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin 또는 Unity 애플리케이션을 개발합니다.

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