ComponentSpace SAML Suite Spring 2020 Update 2 (v4.3.0+v3.0.0)

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5월 7, 2020
신규 버전


SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET v4.3.0 updates:

  • Check the configured use when loading local certificates.
  • Change the certificate manager to minimize the number of configuration resolver calls.

SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core v3.0.0 updates:

  • Change the certificate manager to minimize the number of configuration resolver calls.
  • Include HttpContext argument for all events.
  • Include HttpContext argument for authentication handler and middleware delegates.
  • Includes Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 examples.
ComponentSpace SAML Suite

ComponentSpace SAML Suite

SAML v2.0 및 v1.1 어설션, 프로토콜, 바인딩 및 프로파일을 구현합니다.

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