RayPack Studio 6.3

서비스, 스크립트 및 수정 기능을 포함한 최신 MSIX 기능에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.
7월 9, 2020
신규 버전


  • Support for the latest MSIX features including services, scripts and fix-ups
    • Added support for new fixup (DynamicLibraryFixup.dll).
    • PowerShell scripts are now supported and can be configured to run before the package starts, or after it finishes.
    • Services are now supported. Starting from Microsoft Windows 10 May 2020 Update, it is possible to create packages containing packaged services.
  • Build VHD for MSIX app attach - Added the ability to build directly to an expanded VHD image, used by the new MSIX app attach concept. With MSIX app attach, the application is completely detached from the OS it runs on, and can be dynamically attached and detached.
  • Other Improvements
    • Added button to jump to MSIX build settings from the File backstage menu.
    • Improved error reporting of invalid or expired certificates in MSIX building.
    • Updated MSIX Core to the latest version.
    • Restored MSIX editing capabilities for users of Professional licenses.
    • Several icons in PackDesigner for MSIX have been refreshed.
    • When adding Package Support Framework, it now detects the bitness of the file and uses the right version of the PSF launcher.
    • It is now possible to see and change source paths of files in PackDesigner for MSIX.
    • An extra validation check has been added when renaming a file in MSIX projects.
    • Improved validation of input in dependency editor (MSIX).
    • Improved memory usage of some actions in MSIX editor.
    • Manifests (AppxManifest.xml) created by RayPack are now easier to read, with duplicated namespaces being removed.
RayPack Studio

RayPack Studio

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