Aspose.PDF for C++ V20.7

API를 향상시키고 성능 및 메모리 관련 문제를 개선합니다.
7월 20, 2020
신규 버전


  • C++-styled iteration has been added over the library containers. begin/end/cbegin/cend/rbegin/rend methods are now present where possible.
  • Translation of System::String class to and from various STL string types have been improved.
  • Includes improvements by porting the API from the latest version of Aspose.PDF for .NET codebase.
  • Enhances API in terms of performance and memory-related issues that include:
    • Issues with DocConverterTextBox.
    • Memory leaks in Names Tree.
    • Memory leads in JavaScript code.
    • Issues with Microsoft Excel Conversion.
    • Issues with XML to PDF.
    • Decoding issue with XML Conversion.
Aspose.PDF for C++

Aspose.PDF for C++

Adobe Acrobat를 사용하지 않고 PDF 문서를 만들고 조작합니다.

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