GrapeCity Documents for Word

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8월 14, 2020
신규 버전


  • Shapes Support - Add and edit shapes. Choose from a wide range of geometric shapes, shape presets, and theme-based shape styles. Modify the shapes for size, color, or fill type across several Microsoft Word documents.
  • Add Shapes Supported in Microsoft Word - You can now add any shape supported in Microsoft Word to a Word document through GcWord API. This support enhances loading of any Word document having shapes into GcWord object model, modifying shape properties and saving back.
  • Fill Format and Line Format - Use the FillFormat class to set various types of fill formats like PatternFill, SolidFill, ImageFill, and GradientFill.
  • Themed Shape Styles
    • GcWord supports 42 themed styles.
    • Add these to any shape in a Word document.
    • Use the ApplyThemedStyle method overloads to add themed styles to a shape.
  • Shape Presets - GcWord supports 29 shape preset types through the ApplyPreset method overloads.
Fill Format and Line Format

Document Solutions for Word

Word 문서를 생성, 로드, 편집 및 저장합니다.

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