ComponentSpace SAML Suite Winter 2021 Release 1 (v4.7.0+v3.4.0)

Microsoft .NET 5 예제와 X.509 인증서 캐싱에 대한 개선사항을 포함합니다.
1월 20, 2021
신규 버전


SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET v4.7.0 updates:

  • Set the SSO session store memory cache item priority to NotRemovable.
  • Support the recipient field in the SAML assertion being either the entity ID or assertion consumer service URL.
  • Add ResolveToHttps configuration to better support SSL terminating load balancers.

SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core v3.4.0 updates:

  • Support Content-Security-Policy headers for JavaScript.
  • Support the AuthenticationSchemeOptions.EventsType property.
  • Add ResolveToHttps configuration to better support SSL terminating load balancers.
  • Cache X.509 certificate in the memory cache rather than the distributed cache.
  • Failover gracefully if the cached certificate cannot be loaded.
  • Includes Microsoft .NET 5 examples.
ComponentSpace SAML Suite

ComponentSpace SAML Suite

SAML v2.0 및 v1.1 어설션, 프로토콜, 바인딩 및 프로파일을 구현합니다.

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