ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core v4.0.0

SAML 구성에 대한 Entity Framework 지원을 활성화합니다.
10월 18, 2021
신규 버전


  • Adds SamlDatabaseConfigurationResolver for storing SAML configuration using the Entity Framework.
  • Adds SamlCachedConfigurationResolver for caching SAML configuration.
  • Defaults to the current HTTP request if the AuthenticationProperties.RedirectUri hasn’t been specified when the authentication challenge method is called.
  • Updates the SamlAuthenticationOptions.LoginCompletionUrl delegate to accept the redirectUri as an input argument.
  • Adds ISamlProvider.ClearSessionAsync method to clear the internal SSO session state.
  • For consistency, this release renames the configuration ID to Name. This only affects multi-tenant configurations.
ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core

ComponentSpace SAML v2.0 for ASP.NET Core

SAML v2.0 어설션, 프로토콜, 바인딩 및 프로파일을 구현합니다.

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