Rebex Total Pack R6.0

역방향 SSH 터널 및 새로운 Rebex.IO API에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.
11월 29, 2021
신규 버전


  • All: Added a new set of binaries targeting Microsoft .NET 6.0. Including:
    • Microsoft Windows (x64, x86, ARM64).
    • Linux (x64, ARM32, ARM64).
    • Apple macOS (x64).
  • All: Removed several obsolete and deprecated APIs.
  • All: Removed support for legacy ISerializable interface from binaries for Microsoft .NET Standard.
  • SFTP: Added Settings.EnableChecksumVerification option.
  • SFTP: Changed default value of Sftp.Encoding to UTF-8.
  • FTP: Added Settings.EnableChecksumVerification option.
  • SCP: ScpSettings.EnablePutFilesRemotePathWorkaround is now set to 'false' by default.
  • File Server: Added support for incoming tunnels via SSH, also known as reverse port forwarding. Use FileServer.Settings.EnableReverseTunneling to enable this feature.
  • File System: Added a set of new classes to Rebex.IO namespace that make it possible to access files and directories in custom file system providers using a simple API that resembles System.IO. The new classes are that are provided by Rebex.FileSystem assembly:
    • VFile.
    • VDirectory.
    • VDirectoryInfo.
    • VFileInfo.
    • VFileSystemInfo.
    • VDriveInfo.
    • VFileStream.
  • MIME: Changed default charset for MIME text entities to UTF-8.
  • SMTP: Disabled deprecated SmtpDelieryEngine.System option.
  • Terminal: Changes in Rebex.Terminal assembly:
    • Slightly restructured the Rebex.Terminal assembly to accommodate Microsoft's decision to drop support for most of System.Drawing on non-Windows platforms in .NET 6.0.
    • TerminalControl, TerminalFont and related classes have been moved to a separate assembly called Rebex.Terminal.Control, along with image-based or font-based functionality previously available in ITerminal and VirtualTerminal classes (these are now available via VirtualTerminalExtensions class with a slightly modified API with TerminalImageFormat instead of TerminalCaptureFormat).
    • Split the seldom-used SerialPortChannel class to a dedicated Rebex.Terminal.SerialPort assembly.
    • Removed SshTerminalControl and TelnetTerminalControl classes, which extend TerminalControl. If you use these classes, just add the replacement SshTerminalControl.cs or TelnetTerminalControl.cs files to your application - these are available as part of SshSimpleWinFormClient/TelnetSimpleWinFormClient sample apps (VB.NET versions are available as well).
  • ZIP: Added ZipArchive.CheckIntegrity() method.
  • ZIP: Added ZipArchiveOpenOptions to make it possible to specify options before opening a ZIP file.
  • ZIP: Added ZipArchiveOptions.HideItemNamesInLog option to make it possible to hide file and directory paths in a debug log.
  • ZIP: Added ZipReader class - The new ZipReader class makes it possible to process ZIP files on-the-fly, without having to parse the ZIP file's items first. You can now read ZIP files and extract items sequentially. Non-seekable streams are supported as well.
  • ZIP: Enhanced logging at LogLevel.Debug and LogLevel.Verbose.
  • HTTP: Added asynchronous method overloads to WebClient class.
  • SSH: ECDSA X.509 certificates in SSH - Added support for 'x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp384' and 'x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp521' SSH host key and client key algorithms (as specified by RFC 6187).
  • TLS: TlsStream class now features a new Stream-based constructor, making it possible to implement TLS 1.3/1.2 on top of any suitable (readable/writable) Stream.
Rebex Total Pack

Rebex Total Pack

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