Aspose.Tasks for Java V22.4

Microsoft Project 로딩 작업에 대한 스레드 중단 지원을 추가합니다.
4월 27, 2022
신규 버전


  • Added thread interruption support for Microsoft Project loading operations.
  • Added cancellation token support for Microsoft Project loading operations.
  • Added support for the reading/writing of Status date from/to XER files.
  • WorkingTime has been made immutable.
  • Added an API to set a user-specified callback which allows you to substitute absent fonts when a project is rendered to a graphical format.
  • Removed unnecessary memory allocations when reading Task, Assignment, Resource properties.
  • Added support for “Calculation for task and group summary rows” custom field option.
Aspose.Tasks for Java

Aspose.Tasks for Java

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