AppCode 2022.1

Swift 패키지 관리자 통합을 개선하고 'async(비동기)' 시퀀스에 대한 새로운 지원을 제공합니다.
5월 3, 2022
신규 버전


  • Swift - Added support for 'async' sequences, '#if' for postfix member expressions, and isolation control specifiers for Swift actors.
  • Swift Package Manager - Added the ability to update Swift Package Manager dependencies to the latest version using Tools | Swift Package Manager | Update Dependencies. Build artifacts from the .swiftpm directory no longer appear in full-text search since AppCode now excludes them automatically.
  • Code formatting - You can now easily find formatting problems with a new project-wide inspection. You can now force adding a space after // when reformatting your Swift code, by using the new option in Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Swift | Comment Code.
  • Notifications - Added the new Notifications tool window which makes notifications more visible and keeps them better organized.
  • Accessibility - VoiceOver support has been significantly improved in this release. The screen reader now reads the names and descriptions of Git branches in the Log tab and provides a voice prompt to use ⌘L to navigate through log filters.
  • Version control - You can now hover over the annotation when using the Annotate with Git Blame action to highlight the line diff right in the editor window. Click on it to show the corresponding commit in the Git Log tool window. Apply or commit suggested changes right from the comments for a particular pull request.
Swift Package Manager


iOS/macOS 개발을 위한 Smart IDE.

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